DOM fans will be happy to see a new release of the Java based dom4j, and domc an implementation of DOM Core Level 1 in ANSI C.
Author: SSWUG Research
The XML Cover Pages: Check or Validate XML
The "Check or Validate XML" section of the XML Cover Pages is a listing of several online XML checkers that will test a submitted online page in one of three ways: a well-formedness check, a syntax check, or a validation check. Links to additional testing and validation resources are also in
XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting Language), formerly code named XFRML, is a freely available electronic language for financial reporting. It is an XML-based framework that provides the financial community a standards-based method to prepare, publish in a variety of formats, reliably extract and a
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Performance Tuning Technical Reference
by Edward Whalen and others – When I picked up this book and began to flip through the pages, I experienced a sense of deja vu, it was like I had read this book before. Upon closer examination, I had, it was the previous edition of this book, Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Performance Tuning Technical Ref
T-SQL Programming with Stored Procedures and Triggers
Garth Wells teaches readers how to solve everyday programming problems they will face when working with Transact-SQL.
Cool Resource Kit Tools
By Michael Otey – Microsoft recently released the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Resource Kit. Like the other Microsoft resource kits, this one includes a book as well as a set of samples and utilities. The resource kit is available separately or as a part of TechNet, but so far it isn't included in
Useful simpleTypes for W3C XML Schemas
Roger Costello has produced two useful simple type definitions for XML Schema authors. These define all known currencies, and ISBN identifiers.
From DTDs to XML Schemas
XML Schemas are the preferred way of specifying XML content models these days. Schemas are more expressive than DTDs, but how do you upgrade your self-defined DTDs? A tool provided by the W3C helps along the way.
XML messaging the SOAP way
In this article, the second of three, Dirk Reinshagen introduces SOAP to the XML messaging equation. He begins by describing SOAP and other related technologies, then reinforces with a simple example using SOAP to create an invoice.
Deleting Data from SQL Tables
Oftentimes, it becomes necessary to remove obsolete information from a relational database. Fortunately, Structured Query Language provides a flexible DELETE command that can be used to remove some or all of the information stored within a table.