Author: SSWUG Research


Tune Up SQL Server Performance

by Mary V. Hooke – In this article, I'll discuss some of the things you can do to improve your SQL Server database's performance. I'll focus on SQL Server 2000's ability to create indexes on views, as well as how to configure your indexes properly using the Index Tuning Wizard (ITW).


How to Access Java Code from XSLT

by Vikas Pandya – Suppose you want to convert XML data into fixed-width, plain text strings—a feature that's not so easy to implement in XSLT, or perhaps you want to perform word substitutions in XML content. In cases like these, when you want to move beyond native XSLT capabilities, you can cal


Northern Light Launches XML Portal

By Christopher Pace – So if you are new to this whole XML thing or an experienced XML developer, where can you go to find the most basic information mixed with advanced technical resources? You can start at the Northern Light Special Edition(TM) Web site for XML. Northern Light, a search engine and