by Dan Wahlin – XML Serialization presents an excellent mechanism for working with XML documents in an object-oriented manner. In the June/July issue I discussed how using XML serialization in the IBuySpy Portal site ( simplified working with configuration files (see Links). Now I
Author: SSWUG Research
Sequel to SQL oversights
By Chris Prosise and Saumil Udayan Shah – In our last column, we looked at how tiny oversights in Web applications that make SQL queries can lead to security vulnerabilities with serious consequences. Before we dive into further SQL details, let's look at why resolving such errors is so importan
Excel SpeedWriter v1.3
Excel SpeedWriter v1.3 has been released. Generate Excel Spreadsheets from ADO or DAO databases (or variables or arrays) on the Desktop or Server in record time. Excel SpeedWriter is the ultimate in speed, power, reliability and ease-of-use. Virtually all Excel features are supported.
Automating Administrative Tasks
Automated administration is the programmed response to a predictable administrative responsibility or server event. By using automated administration, you can free time to perform administrative tasks that lack predictable or programmable responses and require creativity.
Neocore Ships Xms Version 2.0
NeoCore Inc. announced the general availability of NeoCore XML Management System Version 2.0, a high-performance native XML database that provides the flexibility and scalability required for rapid development of adaptive business applications. Based on the company's patented Digital Patt
The redesign, Part 4: A site reborn
Have you ever woken up one morning and suddenly realized that your cute little personal development Web site isn't really that great? If so, you're in good company. In this series, Daniel Robbins shares his experiences as he redesigns the Gentoo Linux Web site using technologies like XML, XS
XML-Signature Syntax and Processing
This document specifies XML digital signature processing rules and syntax. XML Signatures provide integrity, message authentication, and/or signer authentication services for data of any type, whether located within the XML that includes the signature or elsewhere.
Database options expand
By Evan Koblentz – Embarcadero Technologies Inc. last week announced a Sybase version of its SQL Debugger tool, which will be available later this month for Sybase's Adaptive Server Edition 12.0 and 12.5 as a plug-in to Embarcadero's DBArtisan product. It's the first third-party debugger
Finding SQL Servers running on a network
From Sql Team – Jerald writes "Dear SQL Team, I am working on SQL Server 7 and also on SQL 2000. Now our company has many SQL Servers running on the Network and also in different domains. Now is there a way where I can find out which SQL Servers are currently running on the Network and list them
Upgrading from Earlier Versions
A Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Meta Data Services installation consists of certain core components, each of which can vary by version or format. A single configuration includes the following: a DBMS, a repository engine, a repository database, one or more information models, and an Extensible Markup