By CAROL SLIWA – A developer who might need to extract only the names and addresses from a large collection of XML-based customer files filled with hundreds of fields of data can now find a demonstration model on the Web to facilitate that effort. Microsoft Corp. earlier this month released u
Author: SSWUG Research
Replication Architecture
Replication is a set of technologies that allows you to keep copies of the same data on multiple sites, sometimes covering hundreds of sites. Replication uses a publish-subscribe model for distributing data:
BMC Software Providing Free Database Solutions
BMC Software will be providing customers with free database solutions, beginning with its Web-based interactive database management solution, Web DBA Free and its SQL development tool, SQL-Programmer Free. This is the first time that BMC Software has offered solutions for free. BMC Sof
Microsoft Releases XQuery Demo on Web
A developer who might need to extract only the names and addresses from a large collection of XML-based customer files filled with hundreds of fields of data can now find a demonstration model on the Web to facilitate that effort. Microsoft Corp. earlier this month released updated Web-based
Writing XML Providers for Microsoft .NET
By Aaron Skonnard – In retrospect, it seems obvious that OLE DB would never become a true universal standard for exposing and accessing information because it faced competition from other vendors. Since OLE DB is a COM technology and COM itself never became universally supported across platforms, it
XQuery/XPath 2.0 Functions, Operators draft
The draft, "produced through the efforts of a joint task force of the W3C XML Query Working Group and the W3C XML Schema Working Group and a second joint task force of the W3C XML Query Working Group and the W3C XSL Working Group", describes how to process type information specified by W3C X
PASS 2001 North America
Coming off record breaking attendance, PASS 2001 North America is gearing up to be the premier SQL Server user conference, September 19-22, in Orlando, Florida. Register online by August 31 and save up to $255!
What To Do When tempdb Is Full
Let’s start with a breif description of tempdb and it’s default settings. The tempdb database is a system database that contains temporary tables created by the server and by the user. The database is recreated each time SQL server is restarted. If you are running SQL 7 or later the default settings
dbXML open-source XML database: 1.0 beta released
By Michael Smith – If Kimbro Staken's announcement of the 1.0 beta release of the Java-based dbXML Core XML database is any indication, a production release may be just around the corner for this open-source native XML database server, which is being developed by the dbXML project under sponsors
Meaning Definition Language (MDL) Proposed to Bridge XML Structure and Meaning
A design team at Charteris plc has developed a 'Meaning Definition Language' (MDL) as a "bridge between XML structure and meaning, expressed precisely in XML. MDL defines how the structures of an XML document (elements, attributes and XPaths) convey meanings (about objects, properties an