by Bob DuCharme – If the specialized elements of the XSLT namespace and the combined functions of XSLT and XPath aren't enough to perform the transformations you need, XSLT gives you ways to incorporate additional instruction elements and functions into your stylesheets. Most XSLT processors off
Author: SSWUG Research
Managing Security
A database must have a solid security system to control which activities can be performed and which information can be viewed and modified. A solid security system ensures the protection of data, regardless of how users gain access to the database. This section describes the security tools bu
How to Configure SQL Mail
This article describes how to properly configure your mail client so that it works with SQL Mail. The article also describes some common pitfalls that you might encounter when you set up SQL Mail to work with Exchange or Internet mail servers. SQL Mail establishes a simple Mail Application Pr
Microsoft SQL Server & Solid State Accelerators
by Jeff Garbus – Solid State Accelerators make it possible for you to give your peripheral storage the speed of memory. Essentially, a Solid State Accelerator is Solid State memory technology with an attitude, which emulates a conventional disk drive or array. It includes a built-in UPS backup syste
What Are XForms?
by Micah Dubinko – Think about how many times a day you use forms, electronic or otherwise. On the Web, forms have truly become commonplace for search engines, polls, surveys, electronic commerce, and even on-line applications. Nearly all user interaction on the Web is through forms of some sort. Th
dom4j: the flexible XML framework for Java
dom4j is an easy to use, open source library for working with XML, XPath and XSLT on the Java platform using the Java Collections Framework and with full support for DOM, SAX and JAXP.
A look at the DOM Traversal module
By Brett McLaughlin – The Document Object Model (DOM) offers useful modules to extend its core functionality in advanced ways. This article examines the DOM Traversal module in depth, showing how to find out if this module is supported in your parser and how to use it to walk either sets of selected
Writing XML Providers for Microsoft .NET
By Aaron Skonnard – R oughly five years ago Microsoft introduced the Universal Data Access (UDA) architecture, which promised to simplify working with enterprise data. The UDA strategy promoted exposing data through a single suite of COM interfaces known collectively as OLE DB, the idea being that
How can I create a plain-text flat file from SQL Server as input to another application?
One of the purposes of Extensible Markup Language (XML) is to solve challenges like this, but until all applications become XML-enabled, consider using our faithful standby, the bulk copy program (bcp) utility. This utility can do more than just dump a table; bcp also can take its input from a view
Time Is Running Out to Sign Up for the SA Program
By Brian Moran – In my July 19 commentary, I discussed Microsoft’s Software Assurance (SA) program and how it might impact your ability to upgrade SQL Server (see the URL below). Because the October 1 transition date to SA is looming and Microsoft has made a few changes to the program since I origin