The XSLT Cookbook is a new project based on the Python Cookbook. The idea behind "online Cookbooks" is to get people to contribute "recipes" that other people could then take and use in their programs. The XSLT Cookbook only deals with snippets of code and discussions around t
Author: SSWUG Research
What the IT market is saying about XML
More companies are using XML in their database and e-commerce projects, but there’s a wide disparity in how pleased those organizations are with the results. Cutter Consortium recently surveyed 272 information technology managers regarding their XML plans. Of those surveyed, 33 percent noted
Loading a Microsoft TreeView from an XML DOM document
by Mark Wilson – Load the DOM document into a DOM object called objPeopleRoot. Create a Element object called objPersonElement (of the type IXMLDOMElement). Then use this code to iterate through the elements in the DOM object:
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Named Best Overall Database
Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 was named the overall winner in the database software category in this year’s VARBusiness Annual Report Card (ARC). The VARBusiness ARC is the most significant annual benchmark of the industry’s solution provider and vendor relationship. It measures the overall lev
HOW TO: Prebuild a SQL Server CE Database
If you have a large quantity of data in your back-end Microsoft SQL Server database, it can be resource-intensive to have every Microsoft Windows CE device download all of the data by using a replication synchronization process. You can “prebuild” a Microsoft SQL Server CE copy of the database, and
Chapter 5: XSLT Processing with Java
by Eric M. Burke – This excerpt is Chapter 5 from Java and XSLT, to be published in September 2001 by O'Reilly.Since many of the XSLT processors are written in Java, they can be directly invoked from a Java application or servlet. Embedding the processor into a Java application is genera
DocBook tool set
Command Prompt have announced DocBook Pro, a collection of tools for processing SGML and XML DocBook documents. DocBook Pro comes in two flavors, Basic and Deluxe. The Basic edition, $69.95 per seat, includes the following tools:
XML a cornerstone of new graphics model
By: Paul Festa – After more than a year of revisions, the World Wide Web Consortium on Wednesday recommended specifications for graphics and animation that backers say could give popular Web technologies a run for their money. The W3C recommended SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), advancing it f
SQL Server CE Product Overview
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Windows® CE Edition (SQL Server CE) is the compact database for rapidly developing applications that extend enterprise data management capabilities to devices. SQL Server CE has the familiar feel of SQL Server, with tools, application programming interfaces (APIs), and Tran
Tracking Down Event Clues
By Kalen Delaney – The SQL Server Trace tool lets you keep track of all the operations that SQL Server performs. For SQL Server 7.0, Microsoft completely rewrote the Trace tool. Microsoft dubbed the new incarnation SQL Server Profiler. However, the SQL Server 7.0 documentation never made it complete