Author: SSWUG Research


What Are XForms?

by Micah Dubinko – Think about how many times a day you use forms, electronic or otherwise. On the Web, forms have truly become commonplace for search engines, polls, surveys, electronic commerce, and even on-line applications. Nearly all user interaction on the Web is through forms of some sort. Th


Devices Bundled with SQL Server CE

Intermec Technologies Corp. is now shipping its popular 5020 family of handheld data collection computers pre-loaded with Microsoft Windows CE 3.0 and SQL Server 2000 Windows CE Edition (SQL Server CE). Intermec is among the first to market with a Windows CE 3.0-based device with an embedded SQL Ser


Picture Perfect

by Edd Dumbill – Last week, the World Wide Web Consortium issued Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.0 as a Recommendation. SVG, as its name implies, is an XML application for describing two-dimensional graphics in the form of vector-based objects. As well as allowing normal 2D drawings, SVG is scripta


A preview of DOM Level 3

This article previews the W3C's XML Document Object Model Level 3, due to be released toward the end of 2001 or early in 2002. Java developer and author Brett McLaughlin gives an overview of key features in the forthcoming version of the DOM, which will offer better access to pieces of informati