From SQLTeam – When you create a pivot table you rotate rows to columns. This produces a resultset that facilitates trend analysis. In the example shown in this article I show how to use a pivot table to display the number of transactions that occur per hour per day. Before we get to that, though, l
Author: SSWUG Research
ItemAction Bug-Tracking / Helpdesk / TimeSheet
Voss Software Development announces ItemAction version 2.0! Now with Access DB and SQL Server support, even more options, and cleaner setup. Flexible and affordable task management with special features for bug-tracking, helpdesk, and timesheet. Full Visual Basic Source Code Available.
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.0 Specification
This specification defines the features and syntax for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), a language for describing two-dimensional vector and mixed vector/raster graphics in XML.
DTDs and XML documents from SQL queries
This column discusses the public-domain sql2dtd and sql2xml utilities that allow RDBMS-independent generation of portable XML result sets. SQL queries that extract data from relational databases can provide very practical ad hoc document-type information for the representation of query results in XM
Dynamic Web Sites with XML, XSLT and JSP
In this article we introduce a method that eases the burden of providing dynamic data and integrating it in your Web site.
Securing Your SQL Server
Poorly managed SQL Server Security can not only leave your SQL Server vulnerable, but also leave your NT Server and network open to attacks.
Windows 2000 Performance Tools
By Curt Aubley – Whether you’re sleuthing server-performance problems, determining how to tune your system, or sizing a server for new applications, the first step is to learn how to leverage your OS’s native performance tools. As Windows NT 4.0 became more popular and IT professionals creatively us
XML for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Web Release 2 (SQLXML 2.0) Beta 2
Microsoft® SQL Server 2000 introduced several new features for querying database tables and receiving the results as an XML document. Web release 1 of XML for SQL Server added Updategrams and Bulk load functionality as well as a host of other features to the SQL Server 2000 base.
Using Python modules xml2sql and dtd2sql
An earlier column explored the generation of XML documents from SQL queries. Now David Mertz shows that the reverse direction of translating an XML document and DTD back into an RDBMS storage format is equally possible, but with its own set of constraints and complications. The Python public-domain
Smart Tags: Dumb Technology?
With the introduction of smart tags in Microsoft Office XP, you can enhance hyperlinking by associating text with not only multiple resources but also information provided by custom applications as well. Or so they say.