by Brad M. McGehee – As a DBA or SQL Server developer, you may run into cases where it would be handy to script data stored in one table so that it can be transferred somewhere else. Some of the reasons you might want to do this include:
Author: SSWUG Research
From COM to .NET
This article discusses a few tips and strategies on how to prepare for the move to .NET, so that when the time comes to shift, the move will be with minimum cost and as smooth as possible. This article assumes that your company is already heavily involved with Microsoft technologies, and that you us
What's next for XHTML?
By Ann Navarro – XHTML 1.0 is only the first step in the bridge between HTML and XML. Additional work at the W3C has produced several new recommendations that take us incrementally closer to a fully XML-ized HTML. Immediately after publishing XHTML 1.0, research began on the Modularization of XHTML.
Version 2.0 Working Draft for Financial Products Markup Language (FpML)
A communiqué from Steven Lord (Chair, FpML Interest Rate Product Working Group) announces the release of a version 2.0 Working Draft for the FpML specification. The Financial Products Markup Language (FpML) "is an XML-based protocol enabling e-commerce activities in the field of financial deriva
Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 "Sphinx" Overview
By Girija Chavala – This presentation offers an overview of SQL Server 7.0, how it works and how to use it.
The ABCs of Bcp
By Curt A. Gilman – Bulk copy program (bcp), the command-line bulk copy utility that ships with all SQL Server releases, is an oft-overlooked but essential component of a DBA’s toolkit. Although the utility gets stuck in the SQL Server program folder without so much as a shortcut on the Start menu—a
Hacking Exposed Windows 2000
Book by Joel McClure, Stuart McClure, Joel Scambray – How to break into a Windows 2000 system and, by extension, how to go about defending against attacks. Sections deal with tools for locating victim systems, gaining access to them, and either damaging them, overloading them, or using them as bases
Why should I write in XHTML if I don't use XML?
By Ann Navarro – One of the most common misconceptions about XHTML is that there's nothing new in it, so designers shouldn't waste their time learning and producing XHTML-based Web pages. While it is true that XHTML 1.0 did not introduce a bevy of new features, learning XHTML could be the wi
Introduction to Jakarta Struts Framework
This article is the first installment of a two part tutorial introducing the Apache Software Foundation's Jakarta Struts Framework. The tutorial assumes some familiarity with XML, servlets, JSP and custom tag libraries.
Tools advice for C and C++ programmers ramping up on XML
By Rick Parrish – Designed for C and C++ programmers who are new to XML development, this article gives an overview of tools to assemble in preparation for XML development. Tool tables outline generic XML tools like IDEs and schema designers, parsers, XSLT tools, SOAP and XML-RPC libraries, and othe