By Paul Cornell – In the following section, I will demonstrate how to call an XML Web service from Office. For a more detailed discussion of XML Web services, see Behind the Scenes: A Technical Explanation of XML Web Services at the end of this section. For more information on building your own XML
Author: SSWUG Research
EbXML: The Key Components
by Kammie Kayl – James Kao, a senior technology partner with The Middleware Company, a training and consulting company specializing in JavaTM technologies and XML technologies, highlighted some of the key components of ebXML: Collaboration Protocol Profile (CPP), Collaboration Protocol Agreement (CP
Useful Things to Do with SELECT
By Michael Otey – The T-SQL SELECT statement is the primary tool for retrieving data from SQL Server, but SELECT also has several other interesting uses. Here are seven useful things that you can do with SELECT besides returning rowsets to your application.
Essential Skills for Microsoft Business Intelligence
Microsoft offers a powerful set of Business Intelligence tools. They are easy to use, but people need to learn about them in order to use them effectively. We believe our class will give you the ability to successfully implement Business Intelligence in your organization.
Valid Frustrations
by John E. Simpson – Q: I need help with two DTD questions…I am having trouble with a DTD not enforcing some rules I'm trying to create. Rule 1: Enforce a range of occurrences of one element inside another.
ElfData XML Editor 1.11 for OSX/Classic
XML Editor is a clean, simple and powerful graphical XML editing and validation tool. It features full DTD validation, but doesn't require a DTD if you only want to do well-formedness validation. It gives meaningful messages that point you a conflict with the XML to the DTD, and tell you why you
Support WebCast: XML and Microsoft .NET
Tuesday, October 9, 2001: 10:00 A.M. Pacific daylight time – XML is everywhere in Microsoft .NET, and this session will explain what that really means. We will discuss how the .NET platform and components are integrated by XML. We will also talk about what classes and API you can use in .NET Framewo
PointBase Micro 4.0
What do you get when you cross J2ME, SQL, and company that has already built a successful business providing Java-based database solutions? In this case, the answer is PointBase Micro, from California-based PointBase, Inc.
Building a Mail Queue System
This article demonstrates an email queue system using SQL Server and VB Script. This overcomes the limitations of the Sending SMTP Mail using a Stored Procedure method.
ActiveX : Active Query
Active Query allows you to include end user oriented SQL query builder into your application. Your users receive the ultimate ability to build their own queries and it is not necessary for them to understand your database design or table relationships. They do not see real tables and real field name