Author: SSWUG Research


New XSLT IDE and Debugger

Xselerator features an advanced editor, with auto-completion for attribute and element names, and syntax coloring support for XSLT, XML and HTML; an XSLT debugger, with breakpoints and stepping; XSLT transformer, including support for third party XSLT processors; and an XPath query analyzer.



XInclude.exe is a free command line program for processing XML xinclude elements according to the latest XInclude draft specification (dated May 16, 2001). When you run XInclude.exe on this document it simply replaces the xinclude:include element with the contents of the XML document part1.xml. A


The New Face of JavaBeans

by John B. O'Donahue – One of the most interesting new developments in XML processing has been the introduction of the Xbean. Xbeans are small and simple software components that take XML as input and process it in some way, passing XML on to the next Xbean. This approach lends itself very well