by Eric van der Vlist – The W3C XML Schema Definition Language is an XML language for describing and constraining the content of XML documents. W3C XML Schema is a W3C Recommendation. This article is an introduction to using W3C XML Schemas, and also includes a comprehensive reference to the
Author: SSWUG Research
Xybrix 0.1 Released
Version 0.1 of the Xybrix XML Application Construction Kit is now available. This is the initial release, and is freely available under the MIT open source license. Xybrix is an XML application construction kit. It includes a rich set of libraries that allow applications that edit or otherwise work
XML Encryption moves to Last Call
The W3C have released Last Call Working Drafts of the three documents as part of their XML Encryption Activity.
Flawed Patch Pulled by Microsoft
By Thor Olavsrud – Microsoft Corp. pulled a patch to a security vulnerability off its public Web site after system administrators reported errors loading the patch onto their systems. After receiving reports of the flawed patch, the Microsoft Security Response Center said it would work to cor
Upsize Jet Crosstab Queries
by Roger Jennings – Crosstab queries have been a primary selling point for Access since Microsoft released version 1.0 in 1993. A multitude of Visual Basic developers depend on Access’ Crosstab Query Wizard to create persistent QueryDef objects or as a helper for generating Jet crosstab SQL statemen
SQL Commands
by James Crowley – SQL statements are used by Access, ADO, Oracle, Informix, and not suprisingly, MS SQL server. In short, if you use databases, be it in VB, ASP, FoxPro, Access or anything else, at some stage you will need to know SQL. SQL, or Structured Query Language gives you complete control ov
CF_XMLRPC is a set of tags that implements the Remote Procedure Call over XML (XML-RPC) specification in ColdFusion. These tags let you create XMLRPC clients and servers for building distributed applications (web services). This version of XMLRPC requires ColdFusion 5.0 and the MSXML3 processor.
XMLCities, Inc., the technology leader in XML publishing, has introduced XMLMakerÔ Suite, a comprehensive software suite designed for XML and document professionals to efficiently convert unstructured documents into high-quality XML content. Unlike other XML editors or authoring tools, XMLMaker Suit
Generate PDF Files Dynamically Using XSL-FO
This article shows you an easy way to generate PDF files dynamically for display in a browser by using an XSL vocabulary called XSL-FO (Extensible Stylesheet Language Formatting Objects). A special type of XSL-FO called Formatting Objects for PDF (FOP) works in conjunction with the Document Object M
ATI Releases Beta of OpenAccess SDK 5.0
Automation Technology, Inc. (ATI) releases beta version 5.0 of OpenAccess SDK. We have been hard at work adding SQL 99, Unicode, and .NET enhancements to the OpenAccess SDK product suite. Newly added features include Arrays and WCHAR data types.