Author: SSWUG Research


Far from Patchy Progress

by Leigh Dodds – The last time the Deviant reported on current events at the Apache XML project was in July 2000, during the turbulent beginnings of the Xerces 2 parser that saw the open source community coming to terms with with working alongside commercial development teams at Sun and IBM. After t


Linux Gets SVG Browser Plug-in

by Edd Dumbill – It came as a very pleasant surprise last week to hear that Adobe has released a version of its SVG browser plug-in for Linux and Solaris. Being an habitual Linux user, I had resigned myself to not being able to see SVG on the Web until the Mozilla project had progressed further with


Java configuration with XML Schema

By Marcello Vitaletti – This article shows how to use a Java XML parser together with the Java language reflection features to create an arbitrary set of named objects according to the content of an XML file. Objects created by the proposed initialization process live in a hierarchical, global names