by David Brownell – In this article, I'll highlight some points that can make your SAX programming in Java more portable, robust, and expressive. Some of these points are just advice, some address common programming problems, and some address SAX techniques that offer unique power to developers.
Author: SSWUG Research
Apache Cocoon 2.0 released
The second version is a complete rewrite of the original Cocoon which, while popular, had several design limitations that could not be circumvented. The Cocoon team describe their open source, Java-based, product:
Docucorp's Transall V10.2 Upgrade Supports XML
Docucorp(R) (Nasdaq:DOCC), a leading provider of enterprise information solutions, announced general availability of Transall V10.2, the universal data translator that extracts, translates and loads (ETL) data from a variety of systems. With Version 10.2, Transall supports reading and writing eXtens
Setting Up Your Environment to Develop SQLJ Programs
by Jason Price – This first column in my Learning SQLJ series introduces SQLJ, describes the software requirements for using it, and shows you how to configure your computer to develop SQLJ programs. I’ll also demonstrate how to use SQLJ to develop a version of the classic “Hello World” program that
Quick start on Oracle8i & Solaris
The oracle documentation is horrendous. So is the install proceedure. There are a lot of steps that oracle could have automated, but didn’t. So here’s a very simple checklist of how to get oracle running on solaris. (There are also a few random oracle tips at the bottom)
XML and Modern CGI Applications
by Kip Hampton – CGI is not without its weaknesses, and despite well-funded campaigns from a number of software vendors, CGI is still widely used and shows no signs of going away anytime soon. This month we will be looking at a module that offers a new take on CGI coding, Christian Glahn's CGI::
Effective XML processing with DOM and XPath in Java
Based on an analysis of several large XML projects, this article examines how to make effective and efficient use of DOM in Java. The DOM offers a flexible and powerful means for creating, processing, and manipulating XML documents, but it can be awkward to use and can lead to brittle and buggy code
Compressing XML—Part II, Server-Side WBXML
by Bilal Siddiqui – In Part I of this article, you saw how to read and write the WBXML format. To use WBXML in any EDI scenario (such as database synchronization) you must be able to convert the WBXML to XML (human readable format) or parse the WBXML directly into SAX/DOM. Therefore, it's
Ellison accuses IBM of ‘creative accounting’
By Nicole Bellamy and Andrew Colley – As the race for database and application server markets heating up, Oracle chief executive Larry Ellison has accused IBM of using “creative accounting” practices to inflate its market share and sales figures. IBM said Ellison’s comments simply indicate that Orac
OpenWorld: ‘Unbreakable’ and untouchable?
By Ed Parry – John Magee, Oracle’s Senior Director of Product Marketing, talks with searchDatabase about the “unbreakable” promise, the attacks from Big Blue, Web services, certification and Oracle e-mail.