by Leigh Dodds – This week, the XML-Deviant reviews the debate over the publication of the first Working Draft of XML 1.1.
Author: SSWUG Research
Reliable XML Web Services
By Eric Schmidt – At PDC, I delivered a session on the topic of reliable XML Web services (Web services). This talk spawned from numerous conversations that I have had over the past year. Among the various FAQs about building XML Web services, reliability falls into the top five issues facing develo
Sun Simplifies With Java XML Pack
The Palo Alto, Calif.-based networking giant, which already boasts one of the strongest development communities after Linux, unveiled its Java XML Pack.The company says it's a quick and easy way for developers to get all the latest XML and Web services technologies for the Java platform.
Oracle unveils service packages to help users with 11i upgrade
By MARC L. SONGINI – Looking to ease the burden of users upgrading to the latest flavor of its business applications, Oracle Corp. announced several new migration-related service packages. Now, Oracle is delivering three new services designed to address the upgrade to 11i’s enterprise resourc
List objects with no grants given
(Pramod Dhulkhed) While the development of applications is done using a development schema account, applications are accessed with a different schema account. The developer needs to grant permissions to the codes which will be used by end-users using different accounts. After the objects are install
Retrieve Records using Unicode Code Points and Oracle Stored Procedures
The following is an article explaining how to retrieve records using Unicode code points and Oracle stored procedures. Examples in ASP.
All We Want For Christmas is a WSDL Working Group
by Martin Gudgin, Timothy Ewald – Dear Santa Claus, We have both been very good this year. We've done our best to promote peace and understanding among web service developers around the world. We have run into some problems, however, with the Web Service Description Language (WSDL).
Debugging Production Problems in Your XML Web Service
By Matt Powell – Debugging can be a particularly challenging part of any development work, even when you are sitting at your desk with all your normal development tools and resources. It can become a lot more challenging if you have to move your debugging environment to a cold and noisy computer lab
OASIS Technical Committee Adopts CRML XML Standard
The OASIS Customer Information Quality (CIQ) Technical Committee announced that it has accepted the submission of CRML, the XML vocabulary specification that defines customer relationships. Originally developed by MSI Business Solutions Pty. Ltd., CRML provides an open, application- and vendor-indep
BEA to offer integration adapters
BEA Systems will begin offering application adapters based on J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA) to provide a standardised means to integrate otherwise disparate software.