Author: SSWUG Research


Web Services Acronyms, Demystified

by Pavel Kulchenko – In many cultures, the end of the year is a time for review and contemplation. Most of my work is related to Web services, and it should come as no surprise that I would like to take a look at the latest developments in that field. More than twenty acronyms related to Web service


Real-world XML Schema

By Paul Golick – This article presents a set of 17 broadly applicable practices for using XML. These practices were published by the Association for Retail Technology Standards to aid its development of standardized XML messages for exchange between information technology systems that support retail


Power Partitioning Made Easy

By Eric Yen – Oracle9i’s new list-partitioning feature lets you organize large data sets more naturally, usefully, and easily.So, let’s step through our examples and get going. You can simply read along, or—if you have Oracle9i up and running and your user account has Create Table privileges


An Introduction to the XML:DB API

by Kimbro Staken – In my last article, Introduction to dbXML, I provided an example that used the XML:DB API to access the dbXML server. This time around we'll take a more detailed look at the XML:DB API in order to get a better feel for what the API is about and how it can help you build applic


XML database doubts

By Timothy Dyck – As XML becomes an increasingly important data interchange format, it makes sense to look at new ways of storing information directly in XML and using XML-based tools for data query and manipulation. However, what those tools will look like is still very much up in the air.