By René Steiner – Oracle introduced powerful queuing mechanisms where messages can be exchanged between different programs. They called it Advanced Queuing AQ. Exchanging messages and communicating between different application modules is a key functionally becoming important as soon as we leave the
Author: SSWUG Research
Relax NG, Compared
by Eric van der Vlist – This article is a companion to two different works already published on my introduction to W3C XML Schema is a tutorial introducing the language's main features, with a progression which I hope is intuitive; and my comparison between the main schema languages, an
OASIS Invites Submissions for XSLT/XPath Conformance Test Suite
The XSLT/XPath technical subcommittee will deliver a test suite for XSLT/XPath processors. The test suite will focus on two key areas. The first one, XSLT (XSL Transformation) deals with applying a set of style sheets transformation rules to the data and transform the data into another document.
XML for Data: Modeling many-to-many relationships
In this column, Kevin Williams takes a look at some options for modeling many-to-many relationships in XML. Several different techniques, and the advantages and disadvantages of each, are discussed. Examples are provided in XML.
Translate a Number into Words
This tip comes from Anuj Kumar – I came across this which I thought was quite amusing. So long as the number is within the Julian date range, you can do the following to translate a number into words.
Oracle9i and Windows XP Support Explained
From – We’ve had a lot of questions recently about Oracle and Windows XP. We’ve provided this brief FAQ to clear up some of the common confusion.
Oracle security claim to be debunked — expert
By Kevin Poulsen – If the marketing message suffers from one flaw, it is this: It isn’t exactly true. In December, U.K. security researcher David Litchfield revealed that a common programming error — a buffer overflow — was present in Oracle’s application server, potentially allowing hackers to ga
Comment on article – ebXML: Global Standard for Electronic Business?
Lisa J. Carnahan, of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and past chair of the OASIS Registry Technical Commitee, points out a misconception on my part concerning the relation of ebXML registries and UDDI registries.
Building XML Web Services for the Microsoft .NET Platform
Book by Scott Short – This in-depth guide takes enterprise developers inside the architecture, protocols, and programming practices for building Web-ready, distributed-object applications for the .NET platform.
QuickAddress Software Works With Oracle To Enhance End-To-End Business Applications
QuickAddress Software, developed by QAS, the leaders in rapid addressing systems, announced it will support the Oracle(R) E-Business Suite, by offering enterprise-wide solutions that enhance Customer Relationship Management (CRM).