If you've taken Vivek Malhotra's first tutorial on VoiceXML, you'll want to build on those new skills with Part 2. Now that we've gone over the building of basic apps using the static XML markup, we'll move on to develop dynamic VoiceXML-based applications using a couple of Web p
Author: SSWUG Research
Quest consolidates Oracle database tools
By James Niccolai – QUEST SOFTWARE HAS consolidated several of its Oracle database management tools into a unified product called Quest Central for Oracle, a move that one analyst said could make life easier for database administrators.
Java coding done right
By Peter Coffee – If there’s one thing that a Java development platform should be able to produce and host, it’s a first-rate integrated Java development environment. Many candidates for that title have come through eWEEK Labs, but Oracle Corp.’s Oracle9i JDeveloper 5.0 (which we reviewed in its lat
BizTalk: E-Commerce the Microsoft Way II
Welcome back to the second part of our BizTalk tour. While we focused on the framework in our last installment, we are going to examine the BizTalk server and Web site now.
TAG becomes active
The W3C's Technical Architecture Group (TAG) has commenced formal meetings and mailing list discussion. The TAG, a group of nine people chaired by W3C Director Tim Berners-Lee, is chartered to focus on:
Using MQSeries and XML Extender from DB2 Applications
By Morgan Tong and Dan Wolfson – This article describes how MQSeries® and DB2® XML Extender can be used together to construct applications that combine XML messaging and database access. We focus on a set of optional DB2 functions and stored procedures that can be installed with DB2 XML Extender Ver
Pricing official for new Oracle software
By Ben Heskett – Oracle on Tuesday officially said it would alter the pricing methods for its business applications, after the news leaked out weeks ago. Executives said the plan could save customers 25 percent to 75 percent on license fees.
XForms Enters Last Call
The W3C XForms Working Group has released a new Last Call Working Draft of XForms 1.0. Feedback is requested at www-forms-editor@w3.org.A changelog indicates that most of the changes from the previous version were minor editorial issues and clarifications. More detailed information on the di
Calling XML Web Services from Office VBA Using the Web Service References Tool
By Paul Cornell – The Web Service References Tool is used in the Microsoft Office Visual Basic Editor to create a Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) proxy class module from a selected Web Service Description Language (.wsdl) or Visual Studio .NET discovery (.vsdisco) file. This article describes ho
XML Linking Language (XLink): Creating Powerful, Flexible Hypertext Structures
by Simon St.Laurent – XLink promises an enormous leap forward for hypertext on the Internet, while providing only a taste of what more hypertext-focused systems have attempted to deliver. As a former chair of the XLink working group put it, "XLink is hypertext for the 1970s." That marks a