by James Snell – In this article, I give a brief picture that highlights exactly what interoperability in Web services means. To do so, I am going to pull an example out of O’Reilly’s recently published Programming Web Services with SOAP, which I coauthored. The example is the ubiquitous Hello World
Author: SSWUG Research
Short Guide to install Oracle 9i
The following short Guide shows how to install and configure Oracle 9.2.0 on RedHat Linux 7.2, SUN Solaris 8 and Windows 2000.
XML News Headlines
By Philip Quinn – If you run a site that displays news, or headlines or something and you want an easy way to add and edit those pages then this article is for you. This article will show you how to display news headlines on a site with a little bit of ASP.NET. Also, you should see the 'Live Dem
Web Services Interoperability
by James Snell – In this article, I give a brief picture that highlights exactly what interoperability in Web services means. To do so, I am going to pull an example out of O'Reilly's recently published Programming Web Services with SOAP, which I coauthored. The example is the ubiquitous Hel
An updated survey of semantic transparency in XML
Once again, this column takes a break to look at what's new and what has been neglected in the normal run of discussion. This time, Uche Ogbuji examines a couple of older XML schema systems for common business transactions that are overdue for a look (xCBL, cXML), as well as a new entry to the f
Oracle Partners Complement Oracle(R) E-Business Solutions for Retail Industry
Oracle Corp. announced Oracle’s comprehensive e-business vision and strategy for the retail industry — focused on reducing costs, simplifying information technology (IT) complexity and providing a consistent 360-degree view of business — has the support of major partners, including the “Big Five,”
Oracle reaffirms earnings guidance
By: Wylie Wong – Software maker Oracle on Wednesday reaffirmed its financial guidance for the next two quarters as executives reiterated their belief that the worst of the economic slowdown is over.
Document Associations
by Leigh Dodds – This week the XML-Deviant attempts to disentangle the threads of a number of tightly woven discussions that have taken place on XML-DEV recently. The general theme of these discussions is how one associates processing with an XML document.
Document Associations
by Leigh Dodds – This week the XML-Deviant attempts to disentangle the threads of a number of tightly woven discussions that have taken place on XML-DEV recently. The general theme of these discussions is how one associates processing with an XML document.
Implementing XmlReader Classes for Non-XML Data Structures and Formats
By Ralf Westphal – Developers can create a notation for any data structure using only elements and attributes, and can access any data structure with an XmlReader or XmlDocument—as long as they can "translate" it to XML.