Debate over standards compliance came into focus on 29 January, when Sun Microsystems assembled a panel of 18 software vendors at a J2EE 1.3 compatibility event in San Francisco.
Author: SSWUG Research
Gorille supports character testing for XML 1.0, 1.1
Recent threads on XML-DEV and elsewhere have once again illustrated the complexity behind the basic atoms of XML documents: Unicode characters. Simon St. Laurent announced the 0.4 release of Gorille, a tool for helping makers of Java XML processors, or applications that emit XML, test their characte
ANSI ASC X12 Drives Cross-Industry Collaboration on XML Initiatives
The ANSI Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12 is meeting Feb. 3-8 in Seattle to evaluate processes to facilitate collaboration with the numerous industry groups and associations developing Extensible Markup Language (XML) specifications. Forging ahead to foster XML convergence and interoperabili
Hidden Whitespace, Hidden Meaning
by John E. Simpson – Every time I update an XML file via an in-house content management system, the processed XML file contains masses of empty lines between the tags. Each time I edit and save the file the gaps get bigger. Here is the code that I think might contain the problem (XSL):
Storing Your Data in Oracle
by Joe Lax – Compared to SQL Server, Oracle allows a DBA to go much further under the hood to properly manage data space requirements. However, space allocation in Oracle is complicated. Learn how locally managed tablespaces can let the database engine make most of the decisions for you.
Oracle to ship new database release by May
By James Niccolai – Oracle plans to ship the next major release of its Oracle9i database by the end of May, in line with its original plans, an Oracle executive said Wednesday.<br><Br>Release 2 of Oracle9i will be announced officially in the coming weeks and will ship during Oracle’s fourth fiscal q
Hidden Whitespace, Hidden Meaning
by John E. Simpson – Every time I update an XML file via an in-house content management system, the processed XML file contains masses of empty lines between the tags. Each time I edit and save the file the gaps get bigger.Here is the code that I think might contain the problem (XSL):
XML Creates Customized Information
Use XML as a standard to structure data depending on who will use the information and what format they desire the information to be in. For example, Caterpillar customizes owner's manuals for its construction and mining equipment using XML to reflect specific customer options. The manual is tail
OASIS matchmakes portals with Web services
XML standards body OASIS has formed a technical committee to build a standard for Web services to be used with portals, dubbed the Web Services for Remote Portals (WSRP) technical committee.The group is working on a standard that will enable the plug-and-play of visual Web services into port
Trillium Software Technology Embedded into Oracle Warehouse Builder
Harte-Hanks Trillium Software division announced that Oracle Corp., has embedded the Trillium technology into Oracle Warehouse Builder. This solution is designed to help customers overcome the critical data warehousing challenges surrounding worldwide customer data quality.