by Vikas Pandya – You are no longer limited to raster-based images. Finally, you can draw vector images dynamically inside a browser using the new Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) technology.
Author: SSWUG Research
Stepping Up to Java 2, Enterprise Edition
By Joe McKee – Client-side Java (Java Standard Edition) never became the software that rendered operat-ing systems obsolete, but Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) 1.3has delivered an improved devel-opment solution for structuring large and complex server-based application development.
Listen Software Solutions’ “How To” Series: Normalization
By David Nishimoto – Following the normalization guidelines usually means splitting tables into two or more tables with fewer columns. Primary and foreign key relationships are designed into the new smaller tables, so they can be reconnected with a join operation. The advantage of splitting the tabl
Introducing Cocoon 2.0
by Stefano Mazzocchi – It took two years and three different project leaders to finish Cocoon 2.0 but we made it. It's an XML framework that raises the usage of XML and XSLT technologies for server applications to a new level. Designed for performance and scalability around pipelined SAX process
Meshing Of XHTML, VoiceXML Is Proposed
By Tischelle George – IBM, Motorola, and Web-browser company Opera have drafted a proposal for combining voiceXML, which allows navigation of Web pages through the use of voice commands, with xHTML, a mark-up language used to create Web pages.
A stored procedure to send email
(Eli Leiba) Here is a stored procedure to send an email message using Oracle’s utl_smtp package. I tested this on Oracle 8.1.7 running on HP UX 10.20 system, with the Exchange server is installed on an NT 4 SP6 machine. (R)
Top 10 database security headaches
By Jan Stafford – To say that database security managers have to be masters of multitasking is a huge understatement. While their daily to-do lists are large and varied enough to give anyone a headache, some parts of the job cause more headaches than others.
XML Origin Editor
XML Origin Editor is an XML development environment for Windows that also handles Extensible Style Language Transformations (XSLT) authoring, including a provision for an XSLT debugger.
AxPoint: Generate PDF slideshows from XML source
Matt Sergeant has announced the upload to CPAN of XML::Handler::AxPoint, a Perl module for generating Powerpoint-like presentations/slideshows from XML documents.
SAML Brings Security to XML
by Edmund X. DeJesus – Security Assertions Markup Language (SAML) is a new standard that uses XML to encode authentication and authorization information. That information can then be moved between systems within an organization, or between organizations in a transaction. Because its basis is XML, SA