Author: SSWUG Research


XSP Emerges from Cocoon

by Sue Spielman – XSP is one of the new technologies coming out of the Cocoon project, and Cocoon is the Web publishing framework of the Apache XML project. XSP allows for dynamic content and a clear separation of business logic from presentation display. Let's dive into the new realm of Extensi


XML Parser/Generator in COBOL

If you want to connect your COBOL applications to the XML world simply and efficiently, the Redvers COBOL XML Interface does the job perfectly. The product is an XML parser and generator, written in pure COBOL II, which requires just the coding of a COBOL record layout and a CALL statement to interf


Java Coding Done Right

By Peter Coffee – If there’s one thing that a Java development platform should be able to produce and host, it’s a first-rate integrated Java development environment. Many candidates for that title have come through eWeek Labs, but Oracle Corp.’s Oracle9i JDeveloper 5.0 (which we reviewed in its lat