Author: SSWUG Research


Oracle9i DBA Handbook

Keep your mission-critical Internet and e-business systems flexible, secure, and available by using the exclusive information contained in this Oracle-authorized volume. Oracle9i DBA Handbook explains how to set up and maintain a high-performance database and maximize the all-new, powerful features


Grabbing XML data from ASP

by : Atrax – By now, most of our readers are familiar, at least in principle, with XML – the w3c's platform neutral data markup language. However not everyone knows how to use XML with ASP. In this article, I'll run you through using ASP and JScript to open and read XML files. in the next ar


Oracle alert log miner

By Bill Robillard – This is a little C program that extracts lines from the Oracle alert log for a specified date (or date range). The lines extracted depend on the entries in a ‘pattern’ file. The following is the syntax and an example of a pattern file and a sample command.


REST and the Real World

by Paul Prescod – In this article I discuss the applicability to REST of several industry buzzwords such as reliability, orchestration, security, asynchrony, and auditing. Intuitively, it seems that the Web technologies are not sophisticated enough to handle the requirements for large-scale inter-bu