Author: SSWUG Research


Embarcadero Adds ETL Tools

By Rick Whiting – Embarcadero Technologies Inc. is expanding beyond its roots as a database administration tools vendor with new data extraction, transformation, and loading software. Embarcadero is targeting sales of the ETL software, DT/Studio, toward small and midsize companies for whom other ETL


A test implementation of XPointer

Here is a very simple interface for an early implementation of XPointer. This work is part of the XSLT++ project, which is being done by Claudio Tasso for his master thesis in Computer Science at the University of Bologna, under the supervision of Fabio Vitali. This program is released as free softw


XSlip XSliding Away

by Kurt Cagle – A visual presentation's ancillary documentation is often as important as its content. In this first of a two-part series, you'll learn how to use XML, SVG, and XSLT to organize presentations, separate logical organization from presentation and implementation layers, and creat