By Rick Whiting – Embarcadero Technologies Inc. is expanding beyond its roots as a database administration tools vendor with new data extraction, transformation, and loading software. Embarcadero is targeting sales of the ETL software, DT/Studio, toward small and midsize companies for whom other ETL
Author: SSWUG Research
What SQL is running and who is running it
(Rohit Sinha) Many times you may need to find what SQL is currently running and which user is running it. The following SQL runs on Oracle versions 7 and 8.1.7 and gives the SID, Serial#, SQL text, and the Oracle and OS user running it. The SID and serial number information may be used to kill the p
3/14 Oracle iRecruitment iSeminar
Thursday, March 14th: Oracle iRecruitment Internet Seminar at 11:00 am PST/2:00 pm EST! How Can You Save Over 60% of your overall recruiting costs, decrease your time to recruit from an average of 90 days to 30, and ensure you are hiring the most qualified candidates for the job?Find
Versa RDF-querying language: Spec, tutorial updated
Versa is a language for addressing and querying an RDF model, allowing traversal of arcs, processing of node contents, and general expression evaluation. Uche Ogbuji recently announced updates to both the Versa draft specification and Versa-by-example tutorial.
A test implementation of XPointer
Here is a very simple interface for an early implementation of XPointer. This work is part of the XSLT++ project, which is being done by Claudio Tasso for his master thesis in Computer Science at the University of Bologna, under the supervision of Fabio Vitali. This program is released as free softw
Testing for SOAP Interoperability – Locating and Testing
Currently, the limitations arising because of the differences between implementations of the SOAP specifications from Apache and Microsoft are being circumvented with in-house solutions. Third party tools can be used to test SOAP messages and WSDL for interoperability and service implementation. Mea
Auto Create SQL Scripts from AS400 to Oracle
This tip comes from Don Beeler – This SQL will create two sql scripts: one to create a table and one to insert data into an Oracle table from an AS400 flat file. This process uses a temporary table so that CHARs can be changed to VARCHAR2s. In the INSERT for AS400 CHAR columns, I do RTRIM and LTRIM.
External Tables: More Than an ETL Tool
by Rich Niemiec – Oracle9i opens the gate to legacy data and more with the biggest enhancement to relational technology in years.
IDF: Experts wrangle with Web services barriers
By Dan Neel – Although the adoption of Web services is still in its infancy, representatives from leading IT vendors at the Intel Developer Forum (IDF) discussed the technical challenges that increased distributed computing will pose.Problems like a lack of existing best practices for deploy
XSlip XSliding Away
by Kurt Cagle – A visual presentation's ancillary documentation is often as important as its content. In this first of a two-part series, you'll learn how to use XML, SVG, and XSLT to organize presentations, separate logical organization from presentation and implementation layers, and creat