By Dusan Djuric – You are in a SQL*Plus (Windows) session. Somewhere on your machine is the one script you need, but where? The script name is something like my*query.sql, but you’re not sure. What do you do? Here’s a handy way find it fast.
Author: SSWUG Research
Oracle Replication Solutions
By Prakash – The management of copies of tables across a distributed database environment is replication. Replication may implicitly involve maintenance of all or some of the objects related to a table; e.g. Triggers, Indexes, Referential Integrities, and so on, so as to maintain database consistenc
Transferring foreign objects with Apache SOAP 2.2
By Joshy Joseph – Web services will require the ability to send more than just text messages between services in a process. Often it will involve complex data types such as language structures, multimedia files, and even other embedded messages. This article takes a look at how the SOAP with Attachm
Reading Multiple Input Documents
by Bob DuCharme – When you run an XSLT processor, you tell it where to find the source tree document — probably in a disk file on a local or remote computer — and the stylesheet to apply to it. You can't tell the processor to apply the stylesheet to multiple input documents at once. The docume
What Web Services Are NOT
From exploring XML – To help us unravel the hype, we welcome guest author Sriram Rajaraman, the VP of Engineering at Instantis, who will help us understand what Web services are by explaining what he believes they are not.
Staying on top of Oracle’s holes
By Thomas C Greene – In light of the fortnight-old SNMP pandemic, it’s tempting to forget that the world’s most popular database kit remains vulnerable to a host of potential exploits which were published about three weeks ago by NGSSoftware Insight researcher David Litchfield.
Using Oracle9i to Clean Up Indexes
By Joe Johnson – As a DBA, you undoubtedly understand the importance of proper indexing when tuning databases. New features in Oracle9i Database make it easier for you to monitor and manage your application’s index use. When you determine and confirm an index is not used by your application, you can
All That is Solid Melts Into Air
by Kendall Grant Clark – Just when you think you know where you stand, someone suggests that the constants of life — in this case HTTP and XML — should be changed. Debate from the XML developer community.
Visual Basic Developer's Guide to SOAP
XML Web services are probably the hottest topic being talked so much! Atleast four conferences completely dedicated to Web services are scheduled for coming weeks; more than 20 books that focus entirely on Web services are already available and about dozen more are soon to be published; various news
XML meets national security
The Command, Control, Communications, and Computer (C4) Systems Directorate (J6) of the United States Defense Department's Joint Staff has issued a Request For Information (RFI)/Sources Sought Notice (SS) (solicitation number: DASW01-RFI 03-01-02) seeking to "find possible XML applications t