Author: SSWUG Research


Additional XML Security URIs

By Donald E. Eastlake 3rd – This document is intended to be a convenient reference list of URIs and descriptions for algorithms in which there is substantial interest but which can not or have not been included in the main documents for some reason. Note in particular that raising XML digital signat


Flash XML Studio Lab

This page provides links to three chapters from Flash XML Studio Lab, a friends of ED book by Ian Tindale, James Rowley and Paul McDonald. The book is aimed at Macromedia Flash developers familiar with ActionScript but new to using XML with Flash.


SVG: Modularized and mobile

Mid-February the W3C released last call drafts of SVG 1.1 and SVG Mobile. SVG 1.1 is a modularized form of SVG 1.0, specified in W3C XML Schema rather than DTDs. By dividing up the functionality of SVG into modules, it facilitates the production of SVG profiles. Mobile SVG creates two such profiles: