
SQL is Number One

Do you wonder if you are working on developing skills need to keep you working in the future? Based on the latest review of job postings by codingdojo.com, if SQL is one of your skills, you have chosen the most demanded skill of the top 9 for 2017.


There are a few reasons SQL is in such high demand. It is ubiquitous. SQL is found in some flavor on just about any operating system. It is highly standardized. You can take SQL code you write for one engine, and often, without any tweaking at all, execute it on another engine with a high degree of probability.

It is also very mature. The language is virtually complete. The latest enhancements tend to be things that make writing SQL easier. They are not generally adding things that could not be done in some other way.

There is a lot of support for SQL. There are many frameworks for developer integration. We have a complete understanding regarding how to utilize SQL in our applications. There is little to learn that hasn’t already be explored.

SQL is simple enough that we have many developers capable of utilizing it with specialization. Even so, SQL is powerful enough there is a place for the SQL Specialist capable of making it perform even better.

The think I like most about SQL is that you can quickly see the results of what you are trying to accomplish. You can write a query dynamically and see the results in a window immediately. Most other languages do you provide this kind of rapid feedback that your code is accurate. You have to jump through hoops to get tests in place, or run you application to see that the code you have written is performing as you like.

So, keep perfecting your SQL Skills. It doesn’t look like it is going away very soon.

