
New SQL Server Weekly Show Posted

Watch the Latest Weekly SQL Server Show Here
We’ve posted the latest edition of SelectViews, our weekly show on SQL Server and databases in general. This week’s show, number 75, is about DBA roles and how to apply those in a politically charged situation. We’ll also go into luggage and databases, upcoming events, the 60 second tip of the day and how you can win $200 in cold, hard cash.

> Click Here to Watch the Show

Featured Article(s)
Obtaining Table Size for All User Tables
This article provides a quick example of a stored procedure that can be used to determine the table sizes of each user table in a given database. The article also illustrates the use of the "INSERT [TABLE] EXEC [SP]" query structure.

Your Servers Are Unique, Shouldn’t Your Disaster Recover Options Be Too?
From virtual servers to disaster recovery at off-site locations to failover at the touch of a button, it’s important to have solid tool in place to make sure you can keep your users humming along in their use of your applications and databases. In one click, you can failover, failback or simply backup your systems with Sonasoft’s SQL Server tools. You won’t have to worry about all of the configuration commands, backup commands, restore, log shipping, etc. Just one click. Find out more, here. You will be surprised how easy it can, and should, be.

This is Cool – for Windows Vista
Stumbled across this free Windows Vista desktop gadget that lets you monitor SQL Server – it shows you some good information to keep an eyeball on with your SQL Servers – and of course as a gadget, it’s always there, telling you about your SQL server. Get a copy here and be sure to say hello to the author – hopefully they’ll get lots of good solid positive feedback and ideas and continue with the idea in other areas.

SQL Server 2008 – Thoughts about "The Skip"
Many people that I’ve been talking with are talking about moving directly to 2008 from whatever versions of SQL Server they’re on now, some without going through 2005 first. From what I can tell, the upgrade story works well even in these cases, with Microsoft paying close attention to making the upgrades work. I think this makes sense, and at the same time, I wonder (and no one seems to be able to give me a straight answer) whether these same customers will actually end up with a wildly fragmented SQL Server environment.

Basically, if you approach each update/upgrade as an optional release, and you consider each on its own merit feature-wise, won’t you end up selecting 2005 for some applications and 2008 for others? I’m assuming this would be the case, since people are pointing to specific features of each, saying how they’ll work in particular applications and then using that information to justify the upgrade path.

How will this work down the road though? You’ll be straddling multiple versions, then you get to work about distinct support, future upgrade and service pack application and so-on.

How are you approaching this? What do you think of the process of potentially skipping a release on one or more of your servers? Will it impact your support model? Will it change how you apply service packs? How will this influence application selection?

Drop me a note, let me know what you think and what your plans are

Webcast: Day 30 as DBA
This follow-on to the Day 1 as DBA show will go into the things you can do now that you’re semi-established in your routines. Daily maintenance, auditing, security checks, best practices and more. There is a lot to consider and think about when you’re putting a good foundation in place for your systems, we’ll cover check point items here and keep you up to speed on "what’s next."

> Register Now
> Webcast Date/Time: 8/14/2007 12:00pm Noon Pacific

Featured White Paper(s)
Crystal Reports XI End-to-End Overview
Crystal Reports XI End-to-End Overview Looking for more detailed information about Crystal Reports XI? This whitepaper is f… (read more)

The Failure of Relational Database, The Rise of Object Technology and the Need for the Hybrid Database
Hybrid databases provide the speed and rapid development capabilities of object technology PLUS robust SQL access…. (read more)

Finding and Fixing Bad SQL in Microsoft SQL Server 2000
This article will teach you the basic techniques used to find and fix poorly performing SQL statements (usually SELECT statem… (read more)