
New Weekly SQL Server Show, SelectViews, Posted

New Weekly SQL Server Show, SelectViews, Posted
This week’s show explores Software as a Service Issues, SQL Server Data Archive Challenge, Linking Access Tables to SQL Server. Also, BookLooks – Apress TSQL Recipes, the 60-Second SQL Server Tip of the Day and Much More.

> Watch the Show Here

Pulling Information From Non-Relational Sources…
…is possible. In fact, pulling together sections of a worksheet, CSV reports and other more non-traditional data sources just got a whole lot easier. In SSIS, you can now use DataDefractor – a tool that let’s you automated the combination of information from these types of sources that used to be very difficult to include. Need to extract only a portion of the data? No problem. Take a look at DataDefractor here, and get your free trial copy to see exactly how you can put it to use.

Featured Article(s)
(Vadivel Mohanakrishnan) This is the second article on the 3 part series of SQLCMD utility. The target audience is Basic to Intermediate level people.

Webcast: Infrastructure Optimization for Mission-Critical SQL Server
For SQL Server, the difference between an optimized infrastructure and a disjointed one is the difference between spending nights and weekends reacting to changes in your IT requirements versus being in control of your IT environment and a proactive strategic partner with your business units. When it comes to maintenance and management requirements, capacity changes and service availability, IT organizations can realize tremendous gains by uniting and optimizing the infrastructure components they already own. In this HP-sponsored webcast, you’ll learn techniques to eradicate server sprawl, slash overhead and find dramatic improvements in management and availability for even your most mission-critical SQL Server environments.

> Register Now
> October 10, 2007 12:00pm Noon Pacific

Featured White Paper(s)
Disaster Recovery Strategy for Microsoft Environment
Businesses of all sizes must take backup and disaster recovery seriously. Who knows what can happen? In recent years, inform… (read more)

10 Steps to a Successful Modernization Project, Legacy Database or Application Upgrade
The goal of a modernization project is to transform aging applications to more-modern architectures while preserving the busi… (read more)

A simple solution to scripting when sysdepend is damaged
Damaged dependency information is a common problem when a database has a reasonable number of objects. This article explains … (read more)

Microsoft SQL Server Cluster Vs Standby Server
This paper discusses specifically two out of various options available for SQL Server high availability, Microsoft SQL Server… (read more)