
Microsoft Moving Forward for Virtual Environments

New Show Posted (Live After 2:30a MST)
Today’s show has a LOT of information. Interviews with some tools makers, information about protecting your holiday time, 60 second tip of the day, our SQL Server discussion list watch and a whole lot more.

> Watch Now

Featured Article(s)
Find the list of SQL objects which got modified – SQL Server 2005
(Vadivel Mohanakrishnan) This article would explain the way to find out the list of SQL objects modified on any given day. Target audience: Beginners to Intermediate level programmers.

Early Bird Registration Expires 12/31/2007
…for the Virtual SQL Server Conference. More than 36 technical sessions (no sales at all) exhibitor hall and live, interactive demos, live interactive chat with speakers and attendees – everything you need to know about SQL Server, getting started, getting going and applying best practices. Register by 12/31 and you also get a free membership or membership extension on SSWUG for 3 months.

> Get Registered Here

Thanks To Our Sponsors
We’ve worked with some great companies this year! We really appreciate their support and help in bringing you SSWUG. Over the next few days I’ll be bringing you a list of the different sponsors, big and small. Take a moment and check it out – there are some outstanding products here!

HP – The Consolidation Solution for SQL Server
Idera – Tools for SQL Server Management
Imperva – Application Data Security & Compliance
Interactive Edge – Put Your Data in Perspective !
InterSystems – Build, Run, and Connect Applications Faster
LearnKey – Effective Training Solutions at Your Fingertips!

Microsoft Moving Forward for Virtual Environments
Microsoft is moving again on the Virtual world with releasing a new beta of their tools aimed at the virtual server market in particular. A while back I wrote about some time I spent at Microsoft where they were talking about their outright commitment to virtual technologies. This wasn’t from a marketing standpoint, but rather from a directional briefing and follow-on discussion.

I’ve talked about it here more, after that, and we’ve done some shows and webcasts about the technologies. After talking with a number of people, it’s clear that today’s solutions are not geared to support what I’d call a "full-up" solution – one where you can run any environment in a virtual server environment. There’s always that caveat about "yes, you can run your apps here, but don’t run high-volume apps as performance will suffer." Frankly, I’ve always gotten the impression from conversations with people that the virtual environment is great for smaller systems, ideal for development and test environments and not to be touched for really active applications. I’ve also felt that this was a "bleeding edge" issue – it’s early in this game.

With the new releases on their way, will this change? Not sure. The article talking about this from Network World says essentially that, while the new beta is out, it’s not revealing a whole of new information or feature previews quite yet.

Featured White Paper(s)
Finding and Fixing Bad SQL in Microsoft SQL Server 2000
This article will teach you the basic techniques used to find and fix poorly performing SQL statements (usually SELECT statem… (read more)

10 Easy Steps to Convert, Migrate and Upsize Microsoft Access to SQL Server
Getting to SQL Server from Microsoft Access is typically a very tedious and labor intensive process. It requires skill, exper… (read more)

Top 10 Database Hacks and How to Stop Them
Corporate databases contain the crown jewels of an organization, which means a break-in, by insiders or outsiders, can cost m… (read more)