
DBAs Needed – More Feedback

SQL Server Show Available Now
This week we look at injection protection and recovery today, along with server protections, data warehousing for the rest of us, events, tips, trick, news and more.
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DBAs Needed – More Feedback
I wanted to clarify a bit about the comments from Charles – I wasn’t really trying to call him out, but rather point out that it’s just reality that SO many people run setup, get the database going and never look back. I’ve talked with so many people for whom this is the case and they wonder what all the fuss is about and why the need for a DBA or someone to watch over/review their systems exists. This was really the type of thing Charles originally posted about – the fact that it (SQL Server) just works, and usually works well.

Jim: "As a developer in a small firm that does primarily web applications, I know how easy it is to slap a database on an existing SQL Server, write the application that it supports, and post it. I also know the hours of agony and frustration that hit when a hacker takes the application down. It is at that point that you begin to understand that backup, recovery, security, disk space management, and overall server usage are not optional components of your application, they are an integral and vital part. Requiring a developer to assume those roles doubles the time it takes to finish the application.

Asking a DBA to be the developer means you risk losing your hard work when a backup doesn’t run correctly but nobody catches it (too busy programming/developing), or when you want to recover yesterday’s transactions and you can’t because the backups failed. Or you spend 24 hours trying to recover from an external attack that could have been prevented by the most recent security patches, if the DBA hadn’t been the developer, or vice versa. As far as I am concerned, there is too much involved in a live database application for a single role to support.

A dedicated DBA, whose function is to make sure the database keeps working, is as important as the developer who creates and supports the application. I honestly don’t see the two functions ever being successfully merged into one."

Drawing Winners to Be Announced…
…later this week (Friday). Thanks very much for the amazing amount of feedback. We are madly reading through the survey results and I really appreciate your help!

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