
3 Days, 11 Speakers, 33 Sessions, More than 75,000 Video Streams…

Featured Article(s)
Working with Windows Services in Microsoft .NET
Windows Services are programs that are executed in the background, have no user interface and are long running executable applications. They can be configured to start automatically or even they can be started manually. These applications are actually controlled by the Service Control Manager. This article will teach you how to create, install, uninstall and deploy a simple Windows Service.

3 Days, 11 Speakers, 33 Sessions, More than 75,000 Video Streams…
Yesterday was the final day of the SQL Server Virtual Conference scheduled portion – now we move into the on-demand phase for attendees for online reviewing of content, downloads and such.

We’ve had a great time meeting people, talking on chat, learning about different challenges and configurations. One thing is that is crystal clear is that there is SO much confusion "out there" about best practices. Not specifically how to do X or Y, but rather which is better to do in the first place, what are the implications of it, etc. We had so many different people working with us about when to apply indexes, types of indexes, learning about cursors and more.

You hear so much about "never do this," or "always do this…" but it’s tough sometimes to get enough focus on your specifics to figure out what really needs to happen. I was glad we had so many people with unique situations – great materials too for articles and the weekly show. You’ll be seeing more examples on the show, more code, etc. It was a great conference and we’re looking forward to the fall conference series (BI, .NET Developers, SharePoint, SQL Server).

Defined Term Positions?
Trace wrote back in about the project scoping issue, but had a question too –

"So this is something that looks or reads to be happening all over the country. And the last comments posted today where one company does the due diligence or discovery work is turned around to get bids. But that company that does the due diligence gets nothing.

How does one work around this? How do we get the discovery and the project all in one package?

I had some advice given to me recently – ‘It’s fine if you talk or speak to groups, but don’t give away the farm’. Hard words to live by.

Also something new I am seeing in HR – defined term position. It’s a half way point between consulting work and a permanent position. I am wondering if the rest of the country is seeing this trend?"

Are you seeing more of these types of positions – the defined term positions? Are these the equivalent of contract to hire-type positions?

Featured White Paper(s)
Windows Server 2008: What To Expect
When people hear that a new version of Windows Server is coming out, they often ask, "How different is it?" "Is this a quantu… (read more)

Migrate, Manage, Monitor: Top 10 Tips for a Successful Move to SQL Server 2005
Effective planning and management enables a smooth migration and ensures that your new SQL Server 2005 environment will be ru… (read more)