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Suggestions for Management Studio
We’ve had a LOT of suggestions for MS – send in your ideas here.
Jeremy: "What I want is a column drop down on Table Valued Functions. I use it on Tables and Views all the time, but if I’m coding a query on a function, I need to either use the Query Editor, or Modify the function in order to see a list of the available columns. Having an expandable list of columns (either above or below the parameters) would be a small but extremely useful addition."
Natasha: "I would like the ability to disable a step in job. I can disable the job, disable the schedule, but it would be nice to be able to just disable a step. The work around is to set the previous step to ‘On success’ to go a different step."
RJ: "I have a very simple feature request for management studio – so simple, in fact, that I can’t believe it is a feature.
I would like to be able to sort the solutions in the project alphabetically – bonus points if I can sort by other properties like creation date and last edit date!
I’ve reached the point where I consider this to be standard functionality for even the most basic programs….so I continue to be frustrated by the fact that Management Studio sorts the projects in some obscure manner, making it difficult to work with projects that have more than a handful of files."
Dre: "Many third party backup tools offer backup compression and encryption, and SQL 2008 has added these features. What these tools offer that SQL hasn’t incorporated is the ability to restore individual objects from backups. If there’s a table or stored procedure that I need restored, if I use native SQL technologies, I am forced to perform a full database restore. It would be nice to have the ability to selectively restore objects. "
Featured White Paper(s)
Defending Against New and Emerging Database Threats
IT Security is constantly evolving. The cat-and-mouse game that researchers and security professionals play with attackers ex… (read more)
7 Steps to Successful SQL Server Auditing
This easy-to-read guide will explain and simplify the basic steps associated with successful SQL Server auditing & give you t… (read more)