
Defending Against New and Emerging Database Threats

Headed Into the Holidays in the U.S.
Here in the U.S. we’re headed to another one of those "milestone" holidays – Thanksgiving. "Milestone" because it’s a good time to stop and think about what you’ve done and all you’ve accomplished since last Thanksgiving. Have you had a chance to get those disaster recovery plans in place? That optimization project completed? If not, no worries, but get it moved up on your list of to-do items and make a pact to get ‘er done in the coming year and, if warranted, sooner than later.

If you did get your goals done for the year, take a moment too and pat yourself on the back. I have a good friend that constantly reminds me that if it’s not monitored, measured and specific, it’s not getting done. Apply this to your goals for your servers – set checkpoints and work to specific items you feel most benefit your servers. You’ll be amazed how much you can get done.

In the meantime, have a great Thanksgiving!

First Ratings – Need Your Help – Rate Microsoft Server Technologies
We’re headed into a series of very quick ratings that we’re trying to get in place for different vendors used by all of us in our work. Our first is Microsoft Server Technologies. If you have a minute, it takes less than 2 minutes to select the ratings and go. We’ll be putting out several of these for different vendor we all see in the database world on a regular basis. You’ll be able to use this to see vendor ratings, get feedback and make some solid decisions on tools, services and more. It’s a no-charge way for community ratings to really help out. Get started rating here with our first rating, Microsoft.

Featured White Paper(s)
Ten Things DBAs Need to Know About Storage
Sometimes SQL Server database administrators (DBA’s) and storage area network (SAN) administrators live on the opposite side … (read more)

Defending Against New and Emerging Database Threats
IT Security is constantly evolving. The cat-and-mouse game that researchers and security professionals play with attackers ex… (read more)