
Taking a SQL Server Vacation? Some Thoughts…

Featured Article(s)
Backup Compression Tool Review
Everyone knows the backup tools that are out there. But have you seen hyperbac? I put this tool to the test on my system.

Now Is The Time – Plan For Your Time Off
If you haven’t yet, now is the time to get going on those plans so you can take some time off – mentally or literally – over the holidays. Make sure you have the right pieces in place so you have piece of mind, as do your users and managers, about your systems. Some key things to do some quick checks on:

Your backups – when did they run last? Have you tested a restore? Are you seeing transaction and database backup files that you expect to see, at the time intervals you expect to see? Do a quick visual check, make sure you’re seeing what you think you should be.

Your recovery process – have you documented it? Have you had someone unfamiliar with it try it, or at least review it? A documented process that addresses "normal" failures (!) is a key to getting things started if you don’t happen to be around (you know, at home, sleeping). If you can have an "essentials" process that affords escalation if the plan doesn’t cover the issue at hand, you’ll be one step closer to not being called every time a re-index operation fails.

Tell people when you plan to be gone. This can be huge. Tell them as far in advance as you can, then remind them. Multiple times. This way they plan on your absence, get you projects and requests ahead of time and, at least in the back of their head, know you’ll be gone and that you won’t be instantly responding during your time off. You’ll be amazed at how this can help you really enjoy your time away.

What other things do you do to assure your time away is successful not only for you, but those you support and work for?

Featured White Paper(s)
Microsoft SQL Server and Dell EqualLogic PS Series Solution Brief
This Solutions Brief discusses storage considerations for Microsoft SQL Server and the Dell EqualLogic PS Series capability. … (read more)

Protecting Microsoft SQL Server
Although SQL Server offers options for database protection and recovery, none of them is intended to provide a complete disas… (read more)