
Chargebacks, SQL Server and the Value of the DBA

Featured Article(s)
SharePoint Lists reinvented: data management and reporting
If you’re familiar with tools like SQL Reporting Services, Crystal Reports etc you or your end users are probably already taking advantage manipulating your data and exporting it into document-like files of various formats. These days when in typical organization SharePoint took over many roles with variety of templates available out of the box – you are probably thinking of migrating your workflows and day to day reporting scenarios to this framework. With tools like KPI, Dashboards, and various filters SharePoint for reporting seems like the way to go; but are your users completely ready for this switch?

SQL Server Show
The show today features several tech-industry experts, here in-studio for the upcoming vConference. Eric Johnson and Josh Jones get together for a discussion, Craig Utley and Erik Veerman are also on the show.
[Watch the Show]

Last week:
SelectViews: Today on the show we have three interviews – Kevin Kline, Scott Golightly and Anthony D’Angelo. We talked about all sorts of things, from Business Intelligence tricks to upcoming tools.
[Watch the Show]

Your Chance to Take Us Up On Early Bird Registration…
is now. Early bird registration discounts are about to decrease – now’s the time to register for the vConference, coming up April 22, 23, 24. No travel budget required, no time out of office. We consistently hear from people that they were amazed at the conferences – from the incredible MVP, author and other VIP speakers that equal or surpass any other event to the content and tools available online during the event. For only $100 (current early bird discount), you’ll get access to more than 30 sessions, and you can even add other disciplines. SQL Server, .NET development, SharePoint, Business Intelligence. It’s all here.

Check out the vConferences here and get registered ASAP for best discounts.

Chargebacks, SQL Server and the Value of the DBA
I was reading this post by Buck Woody and it had me thinking about just how people are going about making sure the value of their services – be it as a consultant or as a "department" in a larger company – are valued and recognized.

I know in far too many cases that IT services are as much "assumed and forgotten" as they are realized and appreciated. Not that people don’t think they’re important, quite the opposite, People are reliant on the services we collectively provide, but they are also, when they’re working right, transparent services. It’s sort of like thanking the electric company. You want the power to be there when you plug in, but you really miss it when it doesn’t work right.

To bring this back around to Buck’s post – what techniques have you used to stay in the forefront of your user’s minds? You can really run around their office all day long with streamers yelling about how well things work. So you need to manage the visibility and understanding of what you’re doing to make sure things work, are recoverable and "all that stuff."

Ideas? Things that have worked? Things that haven’t worked so well? Drop me a note, let me know.

Featured White Paper(s)
Managed .NET Connectivity
Database connections are the lifeblood of enterprise applications, administrating the secure and steady flow of information b… (read more)