
Optimizing Your Database

New Weekly Show Posted
[Watch] SelectViews #126 – We had some more amazing people in the office this week and we have some great interviews. Watch the interviews with Chris Shaw, Daniel Galant, Rachel Appel and Rebecca Isserman – great information sharing!

Also Available:
[Watch] Adam Levithan, Vishal Shukla, Sarah Barela and Shannon Callaway. From SharePoint to cloud computing lessons learned, from SQL Server security to development – great information!
[Watch] This show features several tech-industry experts, here in-studio for the upcoming vConference. Eric Johnson and Josh Jones get together for a discussion, Craig Utley and Erik Veerman are also on the show.

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Disaster recovery plans Oracle 10g Logical Standby– Part 2
Disaster recovery plans Oracle 10g Logical Standby

Optimizing Your Database
Paul Nielson is in the studio today doing sessions and such for the vConference and we were sitting talking a bit about some performance things he’s doing, some cool projects he has and that type of thing. It’s really got me thinking – one of the things we talked about was, essentially, that people need to revisit design and indexing and performance areas of their systems on occasion to see if usage patterns have changed, to see if the existing index definitions and designs are appropriate for the way the information in your system is used.

Then I got thinking about BI systems – and how they’re impacted by design, optimization and such. I’ve heard more and more from people that there is a real disconnect between optimization they *thought* was in place and the optimization they really needed to support the dual role of a transaction system and a reporting system. The roles and uses of information are so different potentially between the two roles that it’s really a challenge to have a single system answer both calls.

More often than not it makes a whole lot of sense to set up datamarts/warehouse systems where you extract/copy out what you need for reporting and BI, then optimize the data there for that task. On the transaction system – where you’re putting the data into the system in add, change, delete operations – you need to optimize for that access type.

This seems so clear, so obvious. I just don’t see people doing it nearly as often as they should. Think about your reporting systems – have you been able to break them out yet? It’s worth some thought and some planning. If you cannot break them out now for whatever reason, at least take a few minutes and think through how it would work, some of the benefits, etc. That way, the next time the boss asks, you can have solid reasoning behind why you need that new server.

Featured White Paper(s)
Migrating DTS Packages to Integration Services
SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) brings a revolutionary concept of enterprise-class ETL to the masses. The engine is ro… (read more)