
Learning – Different Approaches

Featured Article(s)
XML-SERVER – Understanding Thin Clients
Client side XML processing has its own limitations. Server Side processing of XML greatly reduces load on the client. It also improves performance, scalability and security of the applications. ASP, JSP and PHP are some of the server side languages that can generate and store XML on the server. XSLT on the server is also used to transform XML into appropriate content.

Learning – Different Approaches
Yesterday I asked how you best learn, depending on what you’re looking for, when you’re learning technical-type stuff. Of course the answers are all over the board. (I kinda hoped they would be – it’s cool to see different approaches!)

Bob: "I am one of those unusual beasts in this electronic world. I learn from multiple sources. First I have to read the information, highlight what I think is important in a dayglo yellow, sometimes write myself notes in the margin. Then I re-read the material with a pink (second read) and blue (third read) highlighter. By the time I am done, I have yellow, orange, blue, green, and sometimes brown highlights. If the book is associated with a hands on experience, so much the better – then a video or classroom experience will help to solidify that knowledge."

Christie: "Books – Yes, but not as much as I did 5 years ago. Good for delving deeply into a topic.

Magazines – Yes, good for transporting, ripping and filing, exposure to products/services/concepts that weren’t on my radar

Blogs – Sometimes, find most to be useless, not enough content, usually lousy search

Web Sites – Often, especially for coding how to do, especially if they have multiple authors and lots of search functions.

YouTube – mostly for laughs

Flash – hate it, will try to find a different resource.

PPT – hate it

Email/eNewsletters – Quick topic scan but rarely click through.

Discussion Forums/Browser based – sometimes but usually only for product support

Discussion Forums/Email based – For the previous 10 years was one of my main learning sources. Now tend to be only used primarily for soft/conceptual discussions.

Tool I couldn’t live w/o = Google.

Since I’m involved in the training industry, and because I think the usefulness of "formal training" continues to compare poorly to web based resources, I hope you publish some type of summary of your replies. I’ve been fighting for 8 years to try and get the training industry to understand the dynamic usefulness of web content."

More to come – send in your feedback here.

Featured White Paper(s)
Java Database Connectivity
Database connections are the lifeblood of enterprise applications, administrating the secure and steady flow of information b… (read more)