
Server Consolidation is Your Chance to Optimize Too

Smart Database Design Class with Paul Nielson
Get more information here – seriously limited seats available!

Featured Article(s)
Prevent users from overwriting changes made by other users – PART II
Prevent users from overwriting changes made by other users – PART IIElemental MDX: More Basic Building Blocks, Part 2
Part 2: BI Architect Bill Pearson continues his examination of the basic building blocks of the MDX query, including tuples, sets, and axes. He then leads a hands-on introduction to three basic MDX operators: Braces, Comma, and Colon. Learn the syntax involved in putting each into action, and its practical use in helping us to achieve our query objectives.

Server Consolidation is Your Chance to Optimize Too
We’ve been doing some server consolidation of our own around SSWUG.ORG and it has proven to be a great opportunity to clean up shop and optimize what we’re keeping track of, and how.

If you’re anything like we are, your applications may have been around for a while now and have accumulated, shall we say, "growth." Not just that data has increased over time, but the types of data you store, the things you do with it and just overall excess that you’ve stored for this project or that project. In our case, we have a number of statistics and analysis applications that we’ve used over the years that generate a fair amount of data. These applications aren’t in use any more, having been replaced by better tools. Of course that doesn’t mean that the data was removed, nor that we use it any more, it’s just sitting there.

The consolidation we’re doing gives us the perfect opportunity to clean out these tables, analyze historical data that is captured and so-on. We’re finding that we have a pretty well-defined window of data outside of which we can archive, move to a smaller server or do away with entirely if it’s usefulness has been replaced with other tools.

If you’re consolidating, don’t just copy those databases over. Take a few minutes to look at what you’re moving over, see if you can lighten the load, streamline things a bit for SQL Server. This can help with backup loads, performance, server utilization and much more. Get rid of data you truly don’t need and won’t ever use. Consider moving information that is for archival and "in case we ever had to look it up" to a less powerful server. Use your premium systems for premium data access and analysis.

Your systems will thank you and you’ll be enhancing everything from those items mentioned earlier to recovery times and reporting times and … well, you get the idea.

Featured White Paper(s)
Protect your SharePoint Content: An Overview of SharePoint 2007 Disaster Recovery
SharePoint Disaster Recovery is more than just backing up your data and building extra hardware. Our new whitepaper "Protect … (read more)

Database Design – the Biggest Performance Tweak You Have
We’ve done so much work with different people reworking their systems, helping design better relational structures and getting the overall schema and structure of their systems the best they can be. When you’re facing a performance issue, or a scalability issue, or a maintenance issue – well, you get it. It’s often tightly related to your design and structure of your systems. The great news is that we’ve convinced Paul Nielson, one of the leading names in database design, to put together his class for SSWUG readers – and you have the opportunity to be one of only a few people in the class.

Get more information here at the site, check out the specific class information, or register online – it’s very simple and we can’t wait to see you October 26, 27 and 28. We even have special rates on the class, the hotel and many other surprises. Paul is the author of the SQL Server Bible and a highly rated and sought-after presenter at technical conferences and classes.

[Find out more] (Max of 11 seats available – register early)