
Guest Editorial – List Servers and Forums

Webcast: Processing Late Arriving Facts with Integration Services
Handling late arriving facts and performing historical loads are common tasks in Data Warehousing scenarios. This webcast takes a look at the pros and cons of three different approaches to this problem using SSIS. Presented by: Matt Masson

> Register Now
> 9/30/2009 at 12:00pm Noon Pacific

Database Design – the Biggest Performance Tweak You Have
We’ve done so much work with different people reworking their systems, helping design better relational structures and getting the overall schema and structure of their systems the best they can be. When you’re facing a performance issue, or a scalability issue, or a maintenance issue – well, you get it. It’s often tightly related to your design and structure of your systems. The great news is that we’ve convinced Paul Nielson, one of the leading names in database design, to put together his class for SSWUG readers – and you have the opportunity to be one of only a few people in the class.

Get more information here at the site, check out the specific class information, or register online – it’s very simple and we can’t wait to see you October 26, 27 and 28. We even have special rates on the class, the hotel and many other surprises. Paul is the author of the SQL Server Bible and a highly rated and sought-after presenter at technical conferences and classes.

[Find out more] (Max of 11 seats available – register early)

What is the easiest way for you to learn?

When I first started learning about SQL Server I had so many specific questions that for one reason or another I could not find them in the Book’s. Even when I searched online at my favorite sites I would not always return the results that I was looking for. It did not take me long before I found a list server.

List Servers are a great way to ask questions and get specific answers to your questions. In my mind what made list servers so great was I could see everyone else’s questions and the answers they would get as well all delivered to email. The big difference between list servers and forums is on a list server everyone who is subscribed gets a copy of the question, and the answer. Forums are very similar in that you can post questions and get them answered however your questions reside on a site rather than in email.

The list servers on SSWUG:

The Forums are here: http://bitonthewire.wpengine.com/forums/

-Chris Shaw SSWUG Site Manager

Featured Article(s)
Elemental MDX: More Basic Building Blocks, Part 3
Part 3: BI Architect Bill Pearson continues his examination of the basic building blocks of the MDX query, including tuples, sets, and axes. He then leads a hands-on introduction to three basic MDX operators: Braces, Comma, and Colon. Learn the syntax involved in putting each into action, and its practical use in helping us to achieve our query objectives.

Featured White Paper(s)
Six Steps to Managing Data Quality with SQL Server Integration Services
Overcoming the challenges of data quality doesn’t have to be costly or difficult to do. Organizations can take advantage of t… (read more)