New SelectViews Show
Kalen Delaney is on the show today – talking about indexing, performance and some of her work in training and writing… and an announcement. Also on the show, are data use expectations growing…?
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When Will Privacy Begin to be Impacted by Data Use?
Traditionally, there’s been this line that we work so hard not to cross when it comes to privacy. Combining data from different sources, then reviewing that data and making key decisions based on it has made a lot of people nervous to put it lightly. The lines are typically drawn at the theoretical wall of an organization. Without permission from someone, you can’t combine their information from different businesses or activities they’re active in. Today, this is pretty typical.
I do think this may begin to change. Just as we’ve had to change our approach to air travel, allowing for more security, more checks, more questions, searches and rules, I think data use models and protections are almost sure to begin to change on a wholesale basis. I also think that there is amazing work to be done with software and technologies to pull information together and draw reasonable inferences. If you look at the recent failures of the attempted terrorism act here in the US over the holidays, it’s clear that we had pretty solid information, but the individual bits of information weren’t entirely compelling. If you combine them though, it was more than compelling, it was extraordinarily clear that this individual may present a problem.
I read a great article about the issue (link here) and it also links to some other resources – it’s a good read and worth the thought when you have a minute. It leads to questions about how we’ll use information as I mentioned above. The question and the area that we’ll have to work very carefully and mindfully in however, is that of more traditional business use of information. It would be incredibly useful for business to know more about potential customers, and offers and ads could be so much more meaningful based on what you’re really interested in. I think, however, that this crosses the privacy line for a lot of people. It remains to be seen just what is ok, and what is not.
How does this all relate to use as database folks? I think we’ll be facing the responsibility of having and knowing the tools that are used, and the protections that are needed, for our systems. I think it’s obvious things will be changing pretty rapidly for what’s OK, what’s not. We need to provide a bit of a rudder of rationality (how’s THAT for a term) for what can be done, how it can help our respective companies and clients and so-on.
All of this to say a few things.
1. I think data use is about to change in big ways in terms of what’s "OK" to share, what’s not. This doesn’t mean you’ll see big changes in privacy policies on web sites. I’m not really talking about that type of information. It’s more with your daily "stuff" – and there is huge benefit here. If your Dr. and a specialist you may be seeing could actually share medical records, and your pharmacist had real insight into medications you’re taking, regardless of where you’re filling the scripts, it could be a good thing (flame suit on).
2. As DBAs and data professionals in general, I think we need to actively look for and understand the tools the facilitate baby steps. I’m not saying to run out and share information, nor do I think that’s where we’re heading, but I do think that ignoring it is irresponsible.
3. Lastly, we have to be really solid on protection of data so that unauthorized processes are not seeing information, authorized processes ARE. This means solid, standard, always-used steps are in place for encryption and controls.
It’s going to be an interesting time. How do you see it moving forward? What’s the first (or second, third) baby step? Drop me an email, let me know.
Panic! SQL Disaster Strikes: 5 Best Practices to Recovery
No matter how much we prepare, when disaster strikes we all feel a moment of panic. For some that panic quickly passes as we get down to work to fix the problem. For others the panic continues to grow as we search for a solution. Of course back up is crucial, but in this session Sarah will provide useful real world best practices that will show how to recover from disaster and more importantly how to prepare for the inevitable. Specifically how to recover from common disaster scenarios. For example, what to do when the master database is corrupt, a drive array with half your database files fails, a hardware failure, a SQL injection attacks wipes out whole tables and many more.
Presented by: Sarah Barela
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> Live date: 1/13/2010 at 12:00 Pacific