
Data Privacy in the Real World

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see link(http://bitonthewire.wpengine.com/forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=3256)… (read more)

Fighting with Data Sources…
Have you tried working with data sources, pulling information from Excel or CSV files, then making it available to other applications for analysis? It can be very … challenging. This can be a great place to use DataDefractor – it’s a visual data mapping and processing tool that will help automate these types of transformations. Check it out here – see if it could save your sanity.

Data Privacy in the Real World
wrote in with his experiences with some real-world data privacy (and data duplication) happenings –

"I saw the commercial that you had mentioned and immediately what came to mind was the number of doctors that are looking at the legal liability that impacts these decisions.

I think about the fact that each of these doctors have to be willing to have their work reviewed and overturned. Consider the large number of issues that people could start with simple symptoms from, at first look it could be the flu or maybe something they ate. But 2 weeks later when they are still ill tests are run and next thing you know someone has the swine flu. The first doctor made the best call they could with the information they had, but the person who has suffered with the swine flu for 2 weeks will not see that, and here come the law suits… Privacy is only half of the issue. If you don’t believe me ask your doctor for you own copy of your medical records including all documents so you can have a history.

With that being said, I think the overall question that you proposed, “what things should we be doing, developing, creating, etc. today to address this?” Databases need to be developed so they can move information in and out better. Most databases today are designed with the internal user in mind, but what if we thought out of the box? Think about how you buy car today, first you have to find the car, your address and copy of your driver’s licenses will be used to make sure you are legal to drive. When you purchase that car, now you information needs to be re-submitted for the credit if you are getting financed and/or input again for the bill of sale.

Just when you think you are done then you insurance information needs to have the VIN, your name and address, model and make of the care, with… your driver’s license again. But wait, if you get insurance now you get to register your new car for just the 4th time of passing along this information and another check. My point? Each time someone types your information you are at risk for Identity Theft, at risk for someone making a mistake, and then you get to pay for all the overhead of people putting in the same information 4 times. End result, we need to share information, we need to make it cheaper for the administration of this information, we must start working smarter not harder."

Learning SQL Server, SharePoint, Business Intelligence…
Learn More or Register: Virtual Workshop: SQL Server Performance (Mar 12!)– key concepts, learning and how-to information for working with SQL Server
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Spring 2010 SSWUG.ORG Virtual Conference (Apr 7, 8, 9) – SQL Server, Business Intelligence, SharePoint – 75 sessions, 20 speakers…
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DBA School – 15 people max – (Apr 19, 20, 21) – In-Person class that focuses on the things you really need to know – and shows/teaches how to apply it.