
Is Your Database Big? (Guest Editorial)

Data Cleansing with SSIS – Brian Knight
In this session, Brian Knight will show how to cleanse your data and apply business rules to your data in SSIS. Learn how to solve complex data problems quickly in SSIS using simple techniques in the data flow. Brian will start by showing you an easy package to bring you up to speed with SSIS. Then he’ll show how to use transforms to satisfy common scenarios he sees in the industry.

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Is Your Database Big? (Guest Editorial)
Frequently when I start a project with a new customer I hear them say, “My Database is Big”, and/or “My Database is Complicated.” As I get into the project I begin to understand their perception. These two statements are usually defined based on the experience of the owner.

A Person with a lot of application development experience having a highly normalized database will consider it to be complicated or big. From their perspective, having more tables makes the database bigger or more complicated. Another person may have de-normalized data marts because they consider their database too big, or too complicated.

Sometimes big or complicated is defined by performance. Tables with large row counts can define big. Even then, big may vary based on the version of the database engine being used. For example, there is a big difference in performance, and therefore the definition of big, between SQL Server Embedded, SQL Server Express, SQL Server Standard, SQL Server Enterprise and SQL Server Data Center editions.

What defines Big for you? What strategies to you use to get control of a Big/Complicated database? Drop me a line at btaylor@sswug.org.

SelectViews Video Program
Talking to experts – the show today features Kevin Kline, talking about his experiences in field. Also, Adam Jorgensen is on the show today talking about his experiences helping clients with BI projects and more.
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