Featured Script
Audit – Database Details
Several queries to show tables, columns, PK, FK, Unique keys and indices… (read more)
New SelectViews Show Released
Kalen Delaney on the show today talking about her work with SQL Server, upcoming workshops and other thoughts. Also on the show, SQL Server 2008 R2, Mary Leigh Mackey from AvePoint and much more.
[Watch the Show] (it’s free)
Webcast: The Balance of Powers, Understanding SharePoint Governance:
Is it an application? Is it a website? Is it a functional tool? No, look it up on the internet, it’s SharePoint! With most technologies users are provided with a "how to" manual and understand that complaints go to the IT department. Online collaboration powered by SharePoint doesn’t follow the same form of processes and procedures. We will explore how to create a governance plan that incorporates the needs of the organization (controls) and the user (ease of use).
Presented by: Adam Levithan
> Register Now
> Live date: 5/5/2010 at 12:00 Pacific
A Request for Feedback
We’re trying some new things with the SelectViews show (see above) – and I have a request with two parts. I need your feedback and thoughtson the show, thoughts on what you think of the interviews, things you’d like to see, etc. So, if you have a minute, take a look at the show. Then, please let me know a couple of things — you can be as detailed or quick as you like.
a) Do you like the idea of more interviews on the show? If yes, are there specific people you’d like to see?
b) What segments would you like to see on the show? Here are some examples, but feel free to toss out your own ideas as well:
i. SQL Server Tip of the day
ii. SharePoint Tip of the day
iii. Accidental DBA tips
iv. Consulting and contractor news
v. Developer tips
vi. Administrator tips
vii. What did I miss?
I really appreciate the feedback! Send me feedback, I’ll add a month to your account on SSWUG!
Send me your thoughts here when you get a minute (and THANKS!)