
SSD – One Last Time

Webcast: Understanding the new culture of SharePoint
You have a sponsor for SharePoint development, you have a budget, now where are all the users? Online Collaboration powered by SharePoint is not only a new technology, but a new culture of doing work. In this session we’ll explore change management (the fluffy kind) strategies that can be tailored to your user base. Attract users, and keep your budget!

Presented by: Adam Levithan

> Register Now
> Live date: 7/28/2010 at 12:00 Pacific

SSWUG July 30th Expo

FREE SSWUG Expo – Maximizing SQL Server Uptime – July 30th
There are so many methods for keeping your database online. Each has it’s benefits and associated costs. What’s the best solution for you? Come reveiw the options that are provided in SQL Server 2008. When you attend the SSWUG Free expo you’ll learn about new features and important things that you’ll want to know about as you work with SQL Server 2008. We’ll also have segments on Transactional Replication for High Availability, Database Mirroring and even log shipping basics. Join us to learn about the key elements to making sure your systems are able to provide excellent uptime options for your business, clients and end-users. Sign up today.

SSD – One Last Time

A Frequent SSWUG participant, Jeremy Lowell shares some real life experience with SSD…

I’ve had the opportunity to do some scaling for a client where we put four 320GB fusion-IO cards to the test. This database consisted of many files, partitions etc… The purpose of the exercise was to see how far the db design could scale and what hardware it would take to get it there.

We used many servers for this test but the Dell R910 was the primary DB server. Hexa-core chipset (E7540)*4, 128gb of ram etc… We utilized a netapp 3170 SAN.

Early on in the scalability testing, we discovered that our bottle neck was I/O (an expected result). We already had the fusion-io card’s ready to go so we began by offloading tempdb to one fusion i/o card. This eliminated a lot of contention from the SAN; but we still couldn’t hit the transactional throughput that I believed possible on that hardware. So, we offloaded the .ldf file and the improvement was significantly greater than I thought it would have been.

My unproven, untested reason for the improvement revolves around the WAFL technology that Netapp employs. I’m not certain that contiguous writes perform in a linear fashion. At any rate, we saw transactional throughput rates 40 to 50 percent greater after we had moved tempdb (data and log) and the databases log file off of the SAN and to the fusion-io cards.

The incredible thing about this is that up to 50 percent (HALF) of the overall I/O created from this db was able to be handled by TWO fusion-IO cards. 2. Incredible. If you need some serious I/O throughput and the storage size isn’t a huge consideration (tempdb, log); SSD can provide a lot of bang for the buck.

The comparison is having another SAN capable of handling the IOP requests (regardless of storage size) and while the cost of the IO cards is very high from a storage capacity perspective, they are dirt cheap when it comes to I/O throughput.

Well, unless someone who has really tried some stuff has more to offer, I think we’ll move on to a new topic tomorrow. Drop me a note with your comments, experience or concerns at btaylor@sswug.org.



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