
Are You Working with Smaller Teams?

New selecTViews Video Posted
Today Ben Miller joins me on selecTViews. We talked about how companies work with developer and DBA teams, what works, what doesn’t and a lot more.
[Check out the show here]

Free Webcast Available Now:
Get Your Implementation Organized

When it comes to SharePoint environments, if you don’t plan ahead, your environment can quickly become a disorganized mess of IIS, SQL & SharePoint components. Suddenly you don’t know what web application maps to what application pool in IIS, or even worse, you don’t know what service accounts perform what functions! This session will cover strategies and provide recommendations on ways that SharePoint administrators can reign in their farm and make sure that no matter who is managing it, everyone is on the same page. Organization is key and this session will help get you one step closer to organization nirvana.
Presented by: Christopher Regan

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Are You Working with Smaller Teams?
Send in your experiences here.

Donald writes "Our teams for projects are smaller than in the past, for the simple fact that our staff like with most companies has decreased over the last few years – thought we are in the process of hiring for two positions. (which is harder than we thought it would be in this economy)

We have seen a positive impact to the smaller teams – they tend to work faster, have better communication and tend to work together better than the larger teams. We also build into any project documentation, training, post go live support, follow up and disaster recovery. The quality of our projects has in fact in most cases improved and we have seen fewer issues after go live than we have in the past.

Our Management has even noted that they were surprised to see the amount of time spent on projects decrease, the number of them being completed increase and the quality go up. I think a lot of this is due to the team really working together, getting to know each other and all pulling together to make it happen.

Some of our partner companies are having the issue you noted. In most cases we have found that it not just a staffing issue – but a mindset issue with the partner. They feel they need to get a project done quickly – and they tend to cut out steps in doing so – and then they do jump right to the next project – leaving you without developers that know the product to fix any issues that come up. In many cases it seems they just want to get something out the door so they can bill for it – and then worry about the quality later.

I expect that even as our staff grows again, we will see the teams remain small, allowing them to be more agile. Sometimes, smaller is better"

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