New SelecTViews Show – Watch Free Now
Security policy gotchas, social media and data ownership questions, working with unstructured data…also on the show today, Couchbase with information about the merger plus the SQL Server tip of the day. [Watch the Show]
…last week’s show:
SelecTViews – Open source databases as a tool for expanding your systems, Interview with EnterpriseDB CEO, Ed Boyajian, a SQL Server tip of the day…Also, information about tablets, Jeopardy! challenge, new Gartner BI report and much more. [Watch the Show]
On Mixing Up the Environment
Received a number of emails on the topic of mixing up the environment. Interestingly, the feedback was unamimous (more on that in a minute) and I’ve also done some independent digging and found that, indeed, several vendors are working in solutions where they are mixing up the environments. There is a pretty strong NoSQL movement along with some MySQL that is being used in an ad-hoc data warehouse type approach. In many of these solutions, they’re using the open source environment to provide the unstructured look at information inthe mainstream database.
Aside: Frankly I think we have to stop making a distinction of "mainstream database" but that seems to be the term everyone uses.
So, you wonder what the feedback what on yesterdays editorial – I asked if mixed environments like this make sense and are something you’re working with or considering… the responses were unanimous.
The responses? I’ll paraphrase – "What, are you CRAZY??" Food for thought on this Friday.
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So you might be asking yourself, why should you invest in a backup compression tool when that comes with some versions of SQL Server? The answer is pretty simple.
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