
Your BI Projects: A Step at a Time

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BI, Clear as Mud…
I’ve been talking with all sorts of experts and speakers as they come through the studios putting together upcoming shows, webinars and conferences. The common theme is that BI is a HUGE direction (no kidding), but that there are real challenges when it comes to getting BI deployments out there that fulfill on the projects they started out as.


Basically, it seems that people (that’s you and me) are running so fast to get BI-oriented systems out there that the projects "creep" so quickly that they’re tough to deliver on. I wanted to come back around to this and suggest that as DBAs (and especially as DBAs working with handling the blame for issues as Ben’s been pointing out), we have to be the rational voice for these projects.

Pull the projects back to much shorter-term deliverables, deliver in steps, checking for good, solid results each step. This, compared with "we need this mass of access to data" type solutions will let you be fluid in your work, change quickly and check your results quickly.

Without exception, EVERY single expert, speaker, presenter, author, consultant I’ve talked with says that the way to go with BI is small steps. Also without exception, they quickly point out that no one wants to do the projects this way, they have to be coached to.

So, there’s your "homework" – pull those BI projects back to very small steps and roll them out (the steps) as quickly as you can, checking the world along the way.

Do you see changes yet on your project teams? Are they "getting" the smaller steps, more quickly, approach?

Drop me a note and let me know your approach – I’ll even ask Ben to let me back in the Newsletter and let you know what everyone is seeing. 🙂 Send me a note here at swynk@sswug.org

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