
Is LINQ the New SQL Readers Respond

Is LINQ the New SQL – Readers Respond
There are two aspects of every SQL dialect. SQL Statements for managing the database environment itself such as Creating Databases, Creating Tables, views, Indexes, etc. These commands tend have the least amount of variance across different platforms, with the exception of data types.

The second aspect is the language used to work with the data stored in the database. Different engines have more proprietary capabilities specific to their engine and syntax when working with data.

LINQ to SQL simply puts a Dot Net wrapper around the data access layer, providing a common syntax, allowing the ADO infrastructure to manage the database specific variances.

So, I’m pondering what advantage it would be should Microsoft enable LINQ directly in SQL Server, rather than having to go through the various ADO layers. Would it be worth the cost and effort? Would it actually run faster?

Here’s what some of our readers think about the idea…

A couple of thoughts about your LINQ comments. Using LINQ seems to fly in the face of MS’ longstandanding advisement of using T-SQL stored procedure to interact with SQL Server for performance and compartmentalization. Once I was a bigger fan of embedded SQL, but I’ve moderated a lot. It appears LINQ is proprietary to MSSQL as well and not a portable skill set for those that code against DB2, Oracle, etc.

As someone who is trying to persuade folks to move from DDS to DDL on IBM system i, and move from RPG to SQL to get better skill portability, the LINQ evangelists make it a little harder to push my arguments.
I think it has its place, like almost everything tech, but personally I’d be reluctant to push something like this out farther than where we’d absolutely need it.

Good discussion anyway – thanks.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Microsoft builds LINQ capabilities into SQL Server as you suggest. It would have been nicer though if they had simply used SQL syntax for the LINQ technology. I see know reason why they inverted the syntax from SQL, except to foster greater dependence by developers on Microsoft, by taking them away from standards-based, cross-platform syntax.

I think the major barrier to LINQ replacing SQL is the ability to run adhoc queries like in Management Studio. Also, SQL is universal (with minor differences) where LINQ is (I believe) purely a MS technology.

I often wonder if the next generation of coders will even learn SQL? They may not need it, but when you need solve a problem in an enterprise application understanding SQL is key.

Blasphemy! Us die hard SQL programmer and adminstrators don’t like to hear this kind of talk.

What do you think? Does Microsoft have options here? Is there an advantage of providing access to SQL using a syntax developers may understand better? Are we getting better developers by teaching them SQL? Send your thoughts and insights to btaylor@sswug.org.




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