Is LINQ the New SQL – More Readers Respond
It seems this topic has drawn the interest of many. Here are more responses from our readers.
It’s a wonderful idea you expressed here.
I am a software engineer and like T-SQL thus love to write LINQ to SQL.
However , always i have to heard that LINQ is very slow for its translation steps.
This is why sometimes we have think alternatives of LINQ.
If SQL Server had such power to understand LINQ natively, really would increase LINQ performance and popularity as well to the developer like me.
We appreciate your innovative ideas very much.
I just read your post, same title, and thought I’d share my own thoughts. IMO, developers still need to know SQL because there are various situations where the knowledge makes a difference in the effectiveness of an application. For a straight query or simple insert, update, or delete, LINQ is great and there aren’t many (if any at all) drawbacks. However, I’ll often move to a stored procedures in cases where the communications pattern between the DB and the app are too chatty, resulting in scalability/performance problems.
Another reason to know SQL is when analyzing the SQL produced by the code. i.e. some complex LINQ statements are notorious for producing horrid SQL queries and you need the ability to look at what is being sent to the DB through the Log or via SQL profiler – but you would only do this if something like performance with the query became an issue.
Another issue is that some frameworks, like EF, have multiple layers of processing that can bog down performance and you might want to either move the query to a stored proc, drop down to ADO.NET and use a DataReader to get the fast firehose, or some other technique for speeding up the operation.
Generally, these alternatives are extreme and you would only need them if the requirements of the application dictated max performance, but in normal data editing operations performance is more than sufficient and you can take advantage of the productivity gains of LINQ on top of the persistence framework.
Anyway, thanks for the article and all the best
Asking if LINQ is the “new” SQL sort of sounds like you’re implying that T-SQL be replaced by LINQ.
As a database “guy”: I like LINQ for what it is; a way for application developers to use their data in an object oriented manner; the database engine should remain true to what it is for, which is data storage. Having a language dedicated/specific to the database engine means versatility for the DB engine. It also means that the people responsible for the maintenance of the database engine (DBAs) have a language they can learn for all sorts of non-development tasks. DBAs wouldn’t be very successful using LINQ to manage SQL engine specifics. Plus, non-LINQ platform developers can still use T-SQL for all of their needs.
Now, if you’re just saying that you want to add native support for LINQ to the database engine; I could see how that may seem beneficial. But really, wouldn’t the product team just be adding an interpreter to the engine? So, in a way, just one more thing that can break? To me, that just takes their time away from building (and optimizing) better data storage technology. If anything, I could see the usefulness of taking the time to make LINQ produce better T-SQL; but LINQ should stay where it is in terms of its platform.
Just my thoughts
LINQ often needs table or view access, since it is effectively generating embedded SQL. This affects your decisions about the exposed database surface area. What tables, views, columns are visible to the account? Although roles can help, there is a limit to how much database implementation you can now hide in the abstraction of a stored proc.
If you have some difficult services your database is going to guarantee which aren’t as simple as declarative referential integrity or doable with triggers, you might have to use procs anyway, and then you still might worry about tables which now have read for LINQ purposes but not write since you can’t ensure database integrity if you let people write to those tables instead of going through the approved proc.
Refactor your tables and cause some views to no longer be possible (perhaps an inline table-valued function is now required since you’ve decided to parameterize something), and all of a sudden you’ve introduced some bad coupling.
With a proc with a known interface and results, you can determine more easily the scope of a change. And it is possible to inventory the public interface to the database and understand which clients are calling which functions and how frequently with a bit of instrumentation and/or profiling much more easily than an app which uses LINQ without taking any special measures to help mark the database traffic so you can effectively use the profiler to understand things at a systems level.
LINQ has a place, but choosing to use it affects your security model and your application lifecycle management capabilities.
LINQ fills an important role, namely providing an object-oriented syntax for working with sets. For that specific use case I think it’s great, but it’s a real stretch to think it would replace traditional SQL altogether. Not all code is, or has to be, OO anyway.
The question of whether future developers will need to learn SQL reminds me of when, in 1995, I attended a presentation where they told the assembled designers not to bother learning HTML. Not exactly prophetic. There are tools that take away a lot of the burden with enabling languages, but it will always be true that those tools have limitations that serious developers will consistently need to surpass. So, yes: future developers will still need to learn SQL, even if their Microsoft-funded training courses tell them otherwise.
Interesting topic.
What do you think? Does Microsoft have options here? Is there an advantage of providing access to SQL using a syntax developers may understand better? Are we getting better developers by teaching them SQL? Send your thoughts and insights to
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